Ritual of The First Dance

The first woman in all of this terrestrial realm
Desperate for companionship
Having wondered throughout gaia without finding one of her own
Having witnessed the manner in which the other beings of the realm,
Coupled their anima and animus
And channeled their spirits into the higher realms
She wanted to find her mate, 
She wanted to dance...

He was preoccupied with his hunger for sovereignty
He was hunting down the beasts of the wilderness
He was beating himself against rocks for not being able to return to the higher realms
He was desperate for a path, but didn't have a clue, what The Infinite One had already provided
In a shadow he had not yet bothered to join with

She was dark and chocolate
She was with that dark and long mane
She was holding fruits in her chest that'd have nourished any other being on that realm
She was so divine in beauty
She was so energized in that moment, that her gravity invented lust at all realms, even from the archs
And the Arch of Music was enslaved by her body and spirit
He fell from the higher realms into this realm
To join in with her shadow
And perform the Ritual of The First Dance on mankind

The waist was gyrating in a rhythm any serpentine princesses would envy
She was thrusting her hands up into the ether
Her etheric body conjuring up the ultimate jungle roar of power
Her mate to-be was surely bound to notice this challenge to his dominance instincts
And so he came to face her in the dance...

That dance that gave us that African shamanic ritual
That dance that aroused life in all - to dance to the drum
That dance, oozing with arcane delights and promises of sexual union
That dance, that only ritual, in which the powers of the One Law,
Couple in that blissful marriage of wills, to channel man to his divine realms
In that dance of creation...
That dance, that revelation of the substance of the One.

And so, with the Spirit of the One upon me,
I let go of my fears, and dancing in unison with Babalon
Was blessed with our first moonschild-
Putting into motion, the path that'd return me to the higher realms.

mystical psychedelic soundscape from Minds of Infinity.
magical art courtesy of ravaneli

Getting Up, Walking...

God is my witness
The fortress undone,
My age-old fear no longer has shelter
And I can finally start to learn to let go
Finally learn to be free
Learn to lose myself - get lost!

Like those mysteries surpassing the limits of our waking senses
Those manifestations that the tongue can't circumscribe
There's a Truth in the ether tonight
By tears, because it hurts
But with Will, because it creates
Am now on the path...
To the destination, a mystery
Willing to become One with God

Nor more shall I fear death
Because death bares life anew
Nor more should she cry
Because emotions merely entrap motion towards Truth
Nor more shall I dwell in that Past
For tonight, I start the Great Work.

Falling From Grace

I was born Pure 
Then I cried 
Then I was told to shut the fuck up! 
Then I fell from grace.

Of Pure Magical Love

Selfish, but cooperative-
A strategically optimal game of desires and manipulation.
Pure love is occult.

Satisfies by creating lasting needs
Whose satisfaction nullifies the premises.
Hunger persists love, abundance kills it.

Unknown, evasive and possibly lost
The alchemy of man's greatest emotion
Uses constraint as its potent potion
Pure love is in the withdraw, the loss of it.

Instinctive and natural,
But we've lost its essence-
It's not in a ring nor social contract
We've become slaves to something else.

In the realm of the beast is lust
In the realm of the divine is love
A beast yet divine, Man Is
In the realm of reason, we must love and lust
It's the evolutionary means to last
Pure love lusts and lasts.

Starvation, Suggestion, Seduction, Submission, and Sex
Basic, instinctive, supreme tools for powerful, lasting magical love.

Marriage is Bullshit
Mere breeding is Bullshit
Pure Love is Magical
And can't be suppressed unto death...

The magical art from DrStyles