we moved to nuscribes!

Yes, a while a go, publishing new content here got put on a hold, as we moved experimentation over to this novel e-book publishing platform called http://nuscribes.com

This blog continues to be active, however, also checkout the other.

Salvation-Augmented Traffic Jam

"It's very hard for a corpse to seek pardon"
So the hungry man with the book said,
His words worsening the absurd aura
already suffocating everyone trapped inside
one of those transit prisons, stuck back-on-back
like the rings of mating centipedes along the Entebbe highway.

He was not confined inside of a metal shell like us
Sure, he was having his merry moments of the day!
I was hating fate, he was deep in love!

"My sole prayer is,
Before any of you lie inside of a coffin,
You ought have a vehicle, and so there might be more jam
And more stampede on these roads,
And so there might be a chance for more like you,
To fall prey to the gospel, which would otherwise never have made it
Into your lives, given who you are!"

That delighted me,
As for the first time that day
I had a reason to beef and laugh at the same time!

Call it "salvation-augmented traffic jam"
And that day, I didn't have a case against them!

Pssh! Shemales!

First, there were lesbians
And the fetish was unsatisfied desires;
The men didn't hate it and could relate
The women, well, many did try it
But I can't really say they paid for it.

Then came gays-
Deviant in many ways,
A little celebrated, a little celibate
But mostly, stray means of marrying into power,
And a consolation for those misplaced souls
Sent off to distant monasteries
To corrupt the gullible.

Ah! Open the door to the ultimate mutants!
Having allowed Kurzweil to usher in the future,
We are in need of new grammars for this kind of drama-
Because shemales!
The fetish is no more pettyish-
Finally, we find the ultimate woman's envy
Manifested in her man.

Bugs & The Purpose of Life

Happy are those, ever with work in progress
For they shall have a reason to live
More happy are those programmers with bugs to fix
For they shall persist till the end of time.

Oh, Nsibirwa Hall!

It was the recess term,
I'd just defected from arch at year's end
And could just take the time to catch
Uncelebrated moments like these,
As others wasted away with class and girls
Me blaring Ntrance's Set U Free
At awkward hours that are wee.
Creepingly, and very memorably
The uppermost hallways would get fogy
Everyone of those late night hours;
I'd stand one side of the long corridor,
And not being able to see the other side,
Would give hostage to the idea that
Nsibirwa would soon be home to
One o those creepy things from The Mist!
Oh how I miss those lonely nights in Nsibirwa Hall!

Happiness Lost?

Were two men to suffer the same pain,
He would suffer more, 
Who'd experienced happiness before;
Hosting the thought of happiness lost,
As well as pain gained.