Pssh! Shemales!

First, there were lesbians
And the fetish was unsatisfied desires;
The men didn't hate it and could relate
The women, well, many did try it
But I can't really say they paid for it.

Then came gays-
Deviant in many ways,
A little celebrated, a little celibate
But mostly, stray means of marrying into power,
And a consolation for those misplaced souls
Sent off to distant monasteries
To corrupt the gullible.

Ah! Open the door to the ultimate mutants!
Having allowed Kurzweil to usher in the future,
We are in need of new grammars for this kind of drama-
Because shemales!
The fetish is no more pettyish-
Finally, we find the ultimate woman's envy
Manifested in her man.

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