Purpose by Instinct

Everything within and without you, exists because you relate to it, you observe it.
Stop relating, stop observing it, deny it attention and it'll cease to be - 
But only relatively, because you are relative too.

When am gone, when every last observer is gone, the universe must cease to be.
But who would that last observer be but the First Observer?
Because, despite our relative nature and finiteness, there must necessarily be a First Observer, relative to whom everything else is the observed - even if that relative other is a part of itself.

When something ceases to be relative to the First Observer - meaning, the First Observer ceases to observe that thing, it necessarily ceases to exist - absolutely that is.

Will causes purpose
Purpose causes meaning

The highest will is the will to be
Being necessitates existence
Life is the realization of being
And thus demands the perpetuation of existence for as long as there is will to be.

The First Observe necessarily is - and thus requires no will, no purpose, no meaning to be.
But everything else does require will in order to be.

The highest will, which begets the highest purpose, which begets the highest meaning for the life of the finite being then, is the will to persist their relation to the First Observer for as long as is possible.
The longer that persistence, the closer to immortality and absoluteness a finite, relative being is.
In persisting their existence, a finite being approaches the nature of the Absolute, First Observer.

The purpose of life is to live (long), and if possible, beyond life.
This purpose is fundamental, instinctive, and likely to animate humanity and all relative beings for all eternity.
Its pursuit and actualization is definitely a fundamental right.

This is a work in progress - possibly not to complete it, but to make it palatable for others too.

Upon a Creaking Bridge

Separation with matter, a fracturing of order and attachment
Tears or a moment of gushing, warm urine leaving us behind
The sound of soil raining on a dead casket or 
The fortunate spill of an ice-cold soda onto that blazing concrete floor.
Such a moment of mystical significance and awe
When bursting with emotion, the spirit glimpses into the potency of its own fate
A likelihood lurking behind dense uncertainty,
Of a singularity beyond which the illusion of matter gives way to pure essence-
A sense of self or the cold embrace of absolute truth.

The story in that photograph is courtesy of the gifted eye of artist neon-sunrise

the black spell

Spelling qwerty introverted just provoked a spell
This is the evolution of an ex-subspecie
Roaming in the underground like a nazi headhunter
Dark cleopatra with a satanic mantra
Beware, I generalize all your hypotheses
And present you with an absolute antithesis
The kind that makes your aunts lack conjugal rights
And makes you walk backwards for lack of foresight
Take a seat, you're about to need seven senses
If you're a nerd then you'll even need bigger lenses
Or a hotter update of your neural firmware
This is no average artform, it's cuneiform
Meaning semantics and a mystical form
Over microphones and implanted electrodes
My expression is like a meta-subjective
I introspect and then project ma mind upon you
If you're still thinking about that i pawn you
Breaking through your defences and book-faces
Hacking at the speed of thought through your government folks
A sick Kevin Mitnick at a geek picnic
Or Richard M. Stallman in a bikini
This is the self-compiling audio virus
And if you downloaded this, your soul has lost purpose
Money is corruptible and am never suicidal
So I open-source this lyric and make it quick
With a GPL license - kill emcees with no skill
Putin fake albulations all across the web
Embracing fast-foods and cheap stereotypes
With a whole generation of kids that's zombified
By mass-media, facebook and no books!
And so I put a hex on you, the Arch Nemesis Fixx.

Let us start with an occult Foucault pendulum
Erect a faculty of empirical art forms
Studying hieroglyphics with no pens at arm
And cerebral mathematics that we can transform
Am celebrating your majestic initiation
But be cautioned, this is lethal magi equation
Which means the quantum space might be out of phase
And you need a rap genius to decipher the phrase
The Milky Way is rotating so we need to play
With proxychains, intoxicating Markovian chains
Make three stops at zero and quadruple the space
Feel the pain and the joy of a beautiful mind
You are now experiencing Chaos at 1-0-1
Black magick from a wand that's an electron gun
The Bachwezi with poetry that drives you crazy
And delimits the rest like Cauchy-Schwarzy
If you're still eating this, get a PHD
Remix the spell, and research cryogenetics
Show up at the school of the alien mind
With metaphysics and your full conversion kits
Eternal evolution and progress for man
From apes into beasts of a bayesian kind
We advancing on a self-destructing lane
With Keynesian economics and a capitalist mind
Elites with no ethics and no Science of God
Prematurely optimized to serve the matrix
And so I sit in the dark, conjuring the herb
Elevate ma psyche into a spiritual high
Composing dark spells for the enemy's mind
And execute with precision a magickal rite
Chaos theory undoes that "might is right"
In higher light I delight, am your Arch Nemesis.