Orgy of the Senses

bliss, is an overwhelming inpour of pleasant stimuli
with senses wide open
the filters lowered
and the id allowed to taste of external universal information
emanating from the cosmic aura of the divine...

the blissful art, thanks to Mattzy

Spirit of Stone

They stand still
In space and time, living on...
From the foundations
Of the original essence of creation
Some weathered but
Never perishing, 
Each bond therein, as strong as eternity.

Imagine the nature of energy
Trapped in a rock.
Think of the essence of 
The greatest masters that ever lived
Those whose legacy stands unpolluted
Throughout time.

Now, behold the Stone
And you shall know why
The essence, the principles, the spirit
Cast in stone, is cast to survive all death
And persist eternally, pure and undefiled.

Behold the Spirit in Stone.

the spectacular photograph of Stonehenge is courtesy of wanderingsoul

The Social Lone & The Lone Elite

Don't you realize how slowly, steadily 
They are turning you all into antisocial, lonely beings?
In the name of making you "social" online!

In crowded streets and sold out movie shows
You'd think everyone cherished the company of others
But lo! You are groomed to be friends with the puppetmasters only!
They are stealthily robbing you all of the ability to crave human company.

A time is coming when you shall surely be alone no more,
Surrounded by unceasing notifications and friend requests
Some directly delivered into your brain's lounge!
Amidst eternally prying cameras and sensors 
Every miniscule detail of your life broadcasted live
But with the most unnerving, heaviest loneliness 
Eating away at your heart and soul
With none but algorithms and pathetic peer slaves in your circles.

But, there shall be a few 
Probably near-extinct minds
Seated somewhere or walking for walking's own sake
Observing, studying, meditating, practicing and
Living the perfect social life - 
Alone physically, but connected to all creation
In total control of their space and time
The monks, the sages, the elite of your near future.

To the wise,
Choose your lone with care
Seek true solitude, 
And you shall discover a mysteriously perfect social life.

magnificent art concept courtesy of ka-92