And there shall be things that can be expressed in the language of finite beings,
And there shall be things that can't be expressed in the language of finite beings
The things that can be expressed are the things that are the left-overs of our grand feast
That which can't be expressed is the gist.
And so, I took the last of my K
Bathed in the Oil of Pure Will
I held inside of me the key, and so I fell supine
And opened the door to the God Within.
Memories fading fast
Things I should share at last
We are One,
There's only One God
A God so immense It evades all description
The Will of God is this-
To Manifest All True Will
And the Essence of God is-
To Be All That Can Be.
God's Will is To Be God
God's Essence is To Be God.
And so,
I partake in this manifestation of God's Will
That the things I will shall come to Be,
Because God.
In Death is to be found the Path,
K is thy Key
The Alkemy is complete.
Visiting the Village
And so, I closed my eyes, no more wanting to be in the matrix. There it was, waiting for me on the other side of the room. I was unsure how to begin, but something deep inside of me knew exactly how to cast that first step. And so, without looking back, I paced across the floor as if some invisible hand might alter my volition. It felt thick and dark, but otherwise I felt not a thing as I melted into that obsidian mirror.
This is our world, this is that forgotten village sank deep inside an ancient, thick and moist jungle. This is the place where the barks breathe and trees share our emotions. It's green and black, it's brown and blue. This place has joys that melt hearts and trees that weave dreams you can touch, smell and taste. Fruit falls to earth, nourishing the village atop and below. The does race on tree tops and fish fly too. You can see through the ground at roots conversing for miles below the feet, and you can swim in streams of clear sweet water. Birds still sing, drums beat that rhythm of the One and we all dance in one huge natural orchestra! It's like no place of your waking my dear.
I have most of my real friends living here - actually, we mostly meet here. I didn't know of this place too, but the great shaman gave me a map one day - on the day of my great dance. I came home for the first time, and I've returned for as many times as the mind had the will.
Let me take you to my village dear friend. But first, let go of that thing and the other - you'll not want to hold onto anything while I take you about. No, be silent and just listen. Turn that off too, and close that door my dear. Now lay down and close those orbs. Oh, don't worry about me, I'll be floating here beside you. Yes I understand, it's hard the first time, but just let them pass - you'll be like a bird, and like clouds floating by, you can chose to fly below or above them. Good, now let's go...
That is the great shadow my dear, we all have faced it before, but therein lies the true path - focus and float deeper into it. Now, you might see some clouds of purple - those are the phantoms of this dark route, just ignore them like you did the other clouds. Should you feel lost, you'll want to call my name again and again and again... until when you start to see or feel me about you. Don't worry, call me any name you desire - just keep it short and allow yourself to vibrate with every call. You need to relax and float, so keep breathing in that fresh air, hold onto it a while so you can float higher, then exhale and repeat. You might feel some vibrations pour over you, but let those pass too. Continue floating ever towards our destiny - you'll soon start to see a light, float towards it.
There might be others floating about you too, don't fear - fear will only drop you back to the ground. We are all part of the One, and they too come to the village or just pass by.
There's someone calling your name from beyond the light? Oh, you recognize the voice! Fine, someone who knows you is already there and they've seen you approach the village. I can hear my other friends calling out to me too - we are almost there.
Smell that aroma in the air? That's the feast of youth - they cook to your hearts desire everything the jungle can provide. Ah, many rainbows! Yes, we have rainbows in the north, south, west and east - they suck the undesirable energies out of everyone's aura as they enter village. Those people you see floating in and out of them are refilling and others recycling their energy - the rainbows transform undesirable energy into that which is desirable, and they feed us with the necessary manifestations of the One's light. Relax, we are now entering into one just about now...
Red is for love and deep passion - you'll feel your sexuality come to life again. Orange is for vigor and wit. Ah, there's the energy rush creeping over me again! Yellow is for joy and laughter. Oh don't fight the smile, yellow works miracles on us all! Green is for freshness and vitality. Feel that tingling energy flow through your veins, racing towards your heart - that's you becoming aware of the many branches of the tree of life. Wow Blue! Did you realize there's a sweet and cool rain we are floating through? Ah, that's blue for you - it's the essence of life itself. Taste it, smell it, touch it and swim through it with joy - it's life. Yep, that's Indigo! It starts to feel strange but awesome! Indigo is for richness of experience and it feeds your spirit the most. You now should start to taste color and touch sound, Indigo feels soft and plays with our fears too - nice feeling for my curious heart. There! Look out for Violet! Aah we've finally entered the mystery my dear. Your eyes should now see things glowing in the dark, yes! That's the power of violet - she reveals mysteries hidden from our normal experience, and that my dear is where you should start to experience and walk our cherished village! I won't be able to see exactly what you see - Violet gives each of us a unique vision, so enjoy and cherish yours my dear.
Welcome home! There's everything you've wanted to experience in the world known or not, so push beyond any prior limits. I'll now fly on to my spirit's desire. Feel free to come again whenever you will, and remember; there's no better place to go to in the cosmos than to your roots, so never let go of the map to thy village.
AquaSixio gives us the lovely artistic vision. His work is true genius!
moss dynasty
Then, for a moment, while the film was stripped from my orbs,
I looked into the lake of mirror and silver,
Wherein mundane reflections that'd previously disinterested me'd gotten morphed into an impressive
chaotic formation of endless monstrous trees, gravitated to the basin like a prehistoric moss dynasty.
I saw no fish therein, and it occurred to me, someone might have convened a symposium in the green.
A Complex Instinct
lips licking
thighs melting
above or below a ceiling
wet skin cries
enter smiles shaking
touch warm vibrations
fingers laugh with pleasure
flowers dance in and out
it's fun to and fro
come experience with me
thighs melting
above or below a ceiling
wet skin cries
enter smiles shaking
touch warm vibrations
fingers laugh with pleasure
flowers dance in and out
it's fun to and fro
come experience with me
Computer Programmer
Computer Programmer
Machine Human
Automaton Animal
Artificial Being
Dead Life
Void God
Alien Invasion
It was a dark and scary night-morning
There were still bright blue stars shining in the sky
I was standing there alone, not knowing where or how to run.
It was all sand and savanah around me,
Two trees in the distance ahead of me
A short and tall umbrella tree
But I couldn't convince myself to run to either.
There were not many clouds in the ceiling of this expanse
Streaky clouds in the night on my right and another cloud somewhere ahead of me-
Then there was that long streak of burning light crossing past that cloud!
A ball of fire, maybe a meteorite or something, falling towards the valley on my right
I was shaking, not from cold though-
there was probably a fire burning in that valley
It was so bright and yellow
It was glowing like the sunrise about to be born, and the light,
the light bathed much of the horizon in that direction in a frightful yellow.
Something had fallen there, and it was probably not safe.
The tallest hill, right across where I stood,
Was cracky with deep gullies tracing its body.
There was this golden lava, flowing like coarse cream on its crust
There was the smoke, golden too,
rising in a cloud of a metamorphosing monster near the peak of the hill
I was ready to start crying
Then, as if from another dream,
There! Before me was this huge pink elephant
A huge pink elephant with a pink glowing aura!
She was screaming out to me, a little caucasian girl, trying to alight from her elephant
The elephant was still standing on all its fours, but was moving towards me
She was here to help me!
Out of nowhere, a little girl in white,
Riding on the back of her huge, pink elephant that was holding a string in its trunk-
A string that culminated in a knot,
A knot that gripped the moon by its base, which glowed upon the path ahead of them!
I was delighted, I was crying, but happy and filled with gratitude for this savior-
A fairy that'd come to save me from an alien invasion!
This dream was inspired by the elite art of 1MAGINATE
am grateful to him and Maria Lucia
I am Man
Spirit and Matter
On this realm
Defined and Limited
by the Biology Chemistry and Physics
of which I am not just the subject,
but an unsuspecting slave too.
There shall be those that seek to
progress within the realm of matter
Those beings, they shall advance in matters of matter
But their spirit shall lament in the darkest agony
They shall be Void.
There shall be those
Who, having experienced the grace
Shall forever seek to alter the laws
Working with Science and Faith
To break beyond matter, and again
Remain forever aware of Self with the One
They shall be God.
Death is to be feared by those
deluded into embracing the shadows
While the fire burns unattended behind them
Death is a Path
So, K is not a destination
Ketamine is a Clue.
Whosoever can't work with Spirit
Divinity has left behind
Not an answer, but a clue in Science.
Not an answer, but a clue in Science.
Breaking The Law
When viewed in an inertial reference frame,
an object either is at rest or moves at a constant velocity,
unless acted upon by an external force.
When I gazed upon the ceiling before me-
Stiff and still, hearing naught my breathe but my will
One thought, becoming One with the One, made me vibrate into an altered state
And naught remained still.
An internal thought
breaking the Law by which it is naught bound
The apple drops, and it occurs to me how thought transcends matter.
mystical art from Alansdreamscapes
A Curse and The Gifts

Mine mind cannot rise to the contemplation of The Deity,
whom nothing approaches in sublimity,
unless it be entirely disengaged from mine senses, and of this-
in mine present life, art naturally incapable.
To answer question with question-
That is the curse of mine reason!
Whomever decides to trek down this lane,
Shall forever be lost in that labyrinth, and
thine tombstone shall bare symbolic insanity, incompleteness and paradox.
Mine silence and faith,
mere gifts from grace,
Heal mine mind, and quicken I unto mysteries incomprehensible.
Divine moments of truth have come to pass,
while lost to sense and reason,
In whose deathening embrace, I've dissolved into The One.
the epic art from Technochrist
Becoming a Father
a plan
a Child.
The breath-taking art from cozza1
Mind & The Seeker
They dressed her in clothes of grandeur and mystique
Celebrated innumerable sacraments and orgies in her name
They scavenged for each other's blood, mutilated each other's ethic
Hell! They even held each other's phallus in her name!
Then Aha!
I Think, Therefore I Am!
Downhill from thereon
Progress having come to man
Riding Kurzweil's exponentials
She has given the plebs power to tear the cosmos apart
The fetus is stripped of innocence
She has finally made the god amongst them known
She has made all infallible, when in her zen moments, she let that
Every single man, woman, and child on this Earth be Pope
Celebrated innumerable sacraments and orgies in her name
They scavenged for each other's blood, mutilated each other's ethic
Hell! They even held each other's phallus in her name!
Then Aha!
I Think, Therefore I Am!
Downhill from thereon
Progress having come to man
Riding Kurzweil's exponentials
She has given the plebs power to tear the cosmos apart
The fetus is stripped of innocence
She has finally made the god amongst them known
She has made all infallible, when in her zen moments, she let that
Every single man, woman, and child on this Earth be Pope
The alchemist has all the secrets of the stone,
Having Slept with her, he's heard them in her moans as she recalled
Moments of bliss during her prostitution with the cosmos over the eons
She has given the numerologist his convergence limit
Now he reads his fate from the fabric of quantum entanglement
She has given the clairvoyant his wish
Having allowed him to utter self-fulfilling prophecies
She has given the thaumaturgist his miracle
He transforms anything with volition, thanks to a relative universe
And an emotion that gravitates everything in its likeness
She has saved the oneirocritic from his insomnia
Having whispered into his ears the secrets of symbolism and recursion
Now, she has left all but one satisfied-
The last Seeker, whose will it is to
Demystify and dominate her
Demystify and dominate her
To that last noble spirit shall the true mystery be revealed...
The enigmatic art courtesy of Lemmy-X
And classic psy-scape courtesy of Shpongle the Masters!
The enigmatic art courtesy of Lemmy-X
And classic psy-scape courtesy of Shpongle the Masters!
Ritual of The First Dance
The first woman in all of this terrestrial realm
Desperate for companionship
Having wondered throughout gaia without finding one of her own
Having witnessed the manner in which the other beings of the realm,
Coupled their anima and animus
And channeled their spirits into the higher realms
She wanted to find her mate,
She wanted to dance...
He was preoccupied with his hunger for sovereignty
He was hunting down the beasts of the wilderness
He was beating himself against rocks for not being able to return to the higher realms
He was desperate for a path, but didn't have a clue, what The Infinite One had already provided
In a shadow he had not yet bothered to join with
She was dark and chocolate
She was with that dark and long mane
She was holding fruits in her chest that'd have nourished any other being on that realm
She was so divine in beauty
She was so energized in that moment, that her gravity invented lust at all realms, even from the archs
And the Arch of Music was enslaved by her body and spirit
He fell from the higher realms into this realm
To join in with her shadow
And perform the Ritual of The First Dance on mankind
The waist was gyrating in a rhythm any serpentine princesses would envy
She was thrusting her hands up into the ether
Her etheric body conjuring up the ultimate jungle roar of power
Her mate to-be was surely bound to notice this challenge to his dominance instincts
And so he came to face her in the dance...
That dance that gave us that African shamanic ritual
That dance that aroused life in all - to dance to the drum
That dance, oozing with arcane delights and promises of sexual union
That dance, that only ritual, in which the powers of the One Law,
Couple in that blissful marriage of wills, to channel man to his divine realms
In that dance of creation...
That dance, that revelation of the substance of the One.
And so, with the Spirit of the One upon me,
I let go of my fears, and dancing in unison with Babalon
Was blessed with our first moonschild-
Putting into motion, the path that'd return me to the higher realms.
mystical psychedelic soundscape from Minds of Infinity.
magical art courtesy of ravaneli
And so, with the Spirit of the One upon me,
I let go of my fears, and dancing in unison with Babalon
Was blessed with our first moonschild-
Putting into motion, the path that'd return me to the higher realms.
mystical psychedelic soundscape from Minds of Infinity.
magical art courtesy of ravaneli
Getting Up, Walking...
God is my witness
The fortress undone,
My age-old fear no longer has shelter
And I can finally start to learn to let go
Finally learn to be free
Learn to lose myself - get lost!
Like those mysteries surpassing the limits of our waking senses
Those manifestations that the tongue can't circumscribe
There's a Truth in the ether tonight
By tears, because it hurts
But with Will, because it creates
Am now on the path...
To the destination, a mystery
Willing to become One with God
Nor more shall I fear death
Because death bares life anew
Nor more should she cry
Because emotions merely entrap motion towards Truth
Nor more shall I dwell in that Past
For tonight, I start the Great Work.
Falling From Grace
I was born Pure
Then I cried
Then I was told to shut the fuck up!
Then I fell from grace.
Of Pure Magical Love
Selfish, but cooperative-
A strategically optimal game of desires and manipulation.
Pure love is occult.
Satisfies by creating lasting needs
Whose satisfaction nullifies the premises.
Hunger persists love, abundance kills it.
Unknown, evasive and possibly lost
The alchemy of man's greatest emotion
Uses constraint as its potent potion
Pure love is in the withdraw, the loss of it.
Instinctive and natural,
But we've lost its essence-
It's not in a ring nor social contract
We've become slaves to something else.
In the realm of the beast is lust
In the realm of the divine is love
A beast yet divine, Man Is
In the realm of reason, we must love and lust
It's the evolutionary means to last
Pure love lusts and lasts.
Starvation, Suggestion, Seduction, Submission, and Sex
Basic, instinctive, supreme tools for powerful, lasting magical love.
Marriage is Bullshit
Mere breeding is Bullshit
Pure Love is Magical
And can't be suppressed unto death...
The magical art from DrStyles
Satisfied by going Hungry
Instinct conjured that uniting hunger
Why Difficult is
Letting go of that person.
It takes time and resources-
Probably a
Death or two.
But it's possible
to let go,
And find oneself again.
Am going to let go now.
Guilty though I might be
It must happen anyhow.
Unlike foraging for gold and silver
The hunt for the one self
Pleasures the trap sooner than later.
It's not a hidden treasure-
The Free Self
is but an ignored treasure.
Better to let go of some thing
To hold onto no thing.
There's no promise
of any happiness
But there's hope for much happiness
Whose strength lies not in staying,
But the will to go hungry,
Real Phobia
If you must protect yourself
If you must decide which phobias knock on your door
If you must have a real foe
Fear the man
Fear the man that uses Science
Fear the man that uses Science Against You.
The True Sorcerer
The True Magician
The True Devil
Is a Beast
of Exact Science
All your other phobias
All your other phobias are Illusions
Your Imagination
By an exact natural science
Is your greatest enemy
Now you know
Now you know your foe
Victory is nigh
A brave new race
Probably Just a Wish
How I wish
I hadMore blissful sex,
getting high on shrooms,
building an AI program that actually does something useful,
ridding a big open-roof vehicle with trance music
into an endless wild countryside,
getting laid some more,
fuck! getting high and experiencing extra-terrestrial life -
doesn't matter where, as long as I can come back
and re-live the experience...
No rules to follow,
no job,
just me
living life the way I deem it should be,
and finding the people to make it happen.
Knowing that I am
sentient or why not
- discovering my true purpose in life.
How I wish these things could come true
In this or the next life
I wish it could be true,
That these wishes talk to me
about What Real Heaven Must Have Been
If I had not fallen from grace.
I wish to return into grace,
It's probably not just a wish..

5 Reasons To Kill Someone With An Axe
You want to move to Russia
Well, you better be prepared to fend off an attackBecause when I raised my arm up like this,
A wolf was just holding my hand, trying to claw my hand.
I wanted to open his mouth and put my fist all the way there,
All the way to his throat. But I could not open him.
Eventually I had to murder with an Axe.
My flatmate is dead and doesn't know why
A pair of trousers found at the property contain my DNA
Spattered with his red rum.
I told a doc I was hearing
Voices that were going to harm me,
Making me panic - I definitely hate panicking!
So I grabbed the Axe
And h i t him 15 times

My father kept an Axe by his bedside to
protect him from me!
Mother was speaking over the internet to her friends,
It was the late night, so I turned off the light
And grabbed that thing from the frail senile.
I hit him 10 times, he fell, he crouched on the floor and
Still I hit him, and watched him die.
The man who was mother's assaulter-
And he begged me to kill him with the Axe he kept by his bedside!
Then I came in and saw the two of them together,
My sister and the boy wanting to get inside of her.
I couldn't think of anything but killing him and her.
So first I thought of hacking the dude,
But he jumped through the window and so I turned to her
Then damn! In came mother and father SCREAMing at Me!
I swung the Axe and killed them both - no witness was to remain
So I chased after my niece and nephew and killed them too.
5 members down, and I there was still blood on the fuckin Axe!
Mother always cut the chicken every Sunday morning,
She'd ask me to bring the Axe, and she'd murder our meal with passion
For keeping her family alive, mother died from chicken disease.
I only knew of 3 other people staying near home on the island
So on the second weekend after mother's death, there was no more safe chicken
I knew of. I was starving and so I took the Axe with me to the next home
I met the selfish man down at the barn and hit him 4 times in the neck and dome
I survived for another week until the 2 men came and tried to murder me too.
I no-longer work and don't attend school
So I went to mother and grandmother and
Asked them for an allowance of only $50/day - sure they refused!
There was a butcher knife on the kitchen table,
So I grabbed it, and pushed them to the couch like it was about be the murder ritual-
There was that fucking expensive phone humming, so I smashed it first
Then I went outside, to the place I'd locked the family dogs
I definitely had the Axe by now,
And then I mutilated them canines into a crimson fog!
Went back, told mother and grandmother the epic as I pulled a gun.
Enough murder for the day,
I went and put the Axe Away
No one found the dogs anyway, but I was too tired to say
The Police locked me up, because there's an Axe for everyone anyway.
DISCLAIMER : Apart from one incidence, this poem is entirely based on reports of True Axe-Murder cases reported on the inter-webs(see sources below).
Premeditated Murder is immoral and often SEVERELY punishable by law with MURDER!
This piece of literature is not meant to inspire, but educate the mentally unstable masses out there (and that might be everyone), that killing with an Axe is indeed an evil act we should all avoid.
As this is a bad found poem, the Axe-murder sources in order of their use are:
As this is a bad found poem, the Axe-murder sources in order of their use are:
The horrific awesome art is from Aliisza.
Eternal Rock and Roll
Important and Powerful
Happy and Prosperous
Beautiful and Pacific
The Rocks made People
Hard as the hardest hard
On being rare and pure
Was placed the authority of kings and queens
Such aesthetic qualities only nature could bestow
Blood was shed
Gods were fed
Crowns were made
We exchanged roots for rock & roll
Metal for meat
Gold for god
Paper for our Person!
Nothing to exchange, and we've lost it all
I swear upon the kaffiyeh I don't wear
If rhapsodomancy divines thus
The only wealth you'll have tomorrow
4 Different Spaces!
I visited 4 different planets-
Each varying in its configuration and species,
And each next one left the other wanting something...
First I went to this strangest of places
It was like spending all one's life trapped on an infinitely straight enclosed Wall of China
No corners, no roofs and surprisingly no pits!
If you had to move past someone, you'd walk right through them!
The strange citizens of this tube planet could only discern by count and extension
At the bar every night, I'd seek directions from this bad stream
And it would always be the same - like in every bad dream-
Take three feet backwards, two feet in your face, one foot front or back
And never dare make one turn!
Then I got splattered on a flat place- such a complex grid planet
For no matter how real it seemed, everything just seemed real
Everyone born in halves - the part boy the other girl!
And even when they did get married - the part men the other wives!
Some folks did seem real, walking about with phantom partners
But no matter where they walked, everyone knew their turns back home!
The last cross on that face, I was gasping for breath
When I left that draughts and naughts place to navigate some other space...
The third dream was damn real!
With three sides for each scheme and even time for coffee cream!
There were curved embraces from strange flat faces
There were fast spinning dancers and flying cube cancer
I recall meeting that conjurer at the Zero Scale Hotel
Who could multiply one's cake by changing its shape!
It was one delightful but strange curved place,
With different people aging in varying directions!
And before I'd seen my curious Button case, I awoke onto the final space...
There was no one in sight, everything racing fast as light!
It was one immense endless form-
Streets in infinite directions, some emerging where others had just vanished!
It felt like a sojourn of a one Hawking or some other Hilbert shape-shifter!
Then I felt all my limbs vanish as a blanketing uncertainty engulfed all my senses!
In a flash of one moment, I thought I had a glimpse of the one god
And then it became clear - this was the ultimate One Space!
It was a rewarding nightmare, that hypercomplex quantum race!
This poem is inspired by chapter 3 of Dr. Noel Curran's The philosophy of mathematics and natural laws: another Copernican revolution. I wrote this poem partly to celebrate Noel Curran (1915-2010), whose less celebrated work probably "opens the way to the final unification of physics" - maybe his legacy shall be noticed sometime in the future.
Awesome Art from GraceLungArtPallete
Naturally Wired?
Dear Iboga,
Why are we naturally wired for these experiences?
The survival of the human species?
Take Care, Comb your hair, Roland Griffiths.
Why are we naturally wired for these experiences?
The survival of the human species?
Take Care, Comb your hair, Roland Griffiths.
Dear Griffiths,
I might add a given - for the survival of all trees and fish too.
There's your egress - the savior needs a mystical vibrant dress for the evolution parade.
Meet you on the trip, Tabernanthe Iboga.
Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., raises some provoking questions towards the end of his talk/presentation about the results of his decades-long principal research into the behavioral and subjective effects of mood-altering drugs - he asks whether it might be possible that that there's a reason"humans have been wired by nature for these kinds of [mystical-like] experiences [from these mind-altering drugs]." Checkout the talk if you can. The consequences of this research might have huge implications for the future of our species, faiths and the planet itself.
Tabernanthe Iboga is one of the most powerful and profound "spiritual" psychedelic shrubs in the African rain-forests. It has a known reputation for "rectifying bad deviations" in man.
An anticausal system
A "hypothetical" universe in which outputs and internal states depend solely on future input values!
An esoteric marvel to the bespectacled quantum men of papers,
Who, obsessed with rational cause and effect, find fault in trees growing now with the rain of tomorrow-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
To put it very simply,
A successful magical act causes an apparently acausal result-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
A "hypothetical" universe in which outputs and internal states depend solely on future input values!
An esoteric marvel to the bespectacled quantum men of papers,
Who, obsessed with rational cause and effect, find fault in trees growing now with the rain of tomorrow-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
To put it very simply,
A successful magical act causes an apparently acausal result-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
Experience what it means to be in charge of destiny-
Allowing oneself to leverage the material of chaos inherent in us as the subconscious,
Neither limited in space nor in time
Letting go of this limited (and frustrated) illusive consciousness,
One navigates to a desired state in one's or natures's future-
Where they can manipulate the variables of chaos as they so will
The universe, being that conservative but generous mother,
Aligns the present with the new altered ahistory-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
To the lowly consciousness left behind,
Such results thus realized, forever lurk in the realm of accidents or probability-
Out of reach for the feeble mind, and mere chaos for the rational mathematical mind.
The simple mystery of chaos magic-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
Allowing oneself to leverage the material of chaos inherent in us as the subconscious,
Neither limited in space nor in time
Letting go of this limited (and frustrated) illusive consciousness,
One navigates to a desired state in one's or natures's future-
Where they can manipulate the variables of chaos as they so will
The universe, being that conservative but generous mother,
Aligns the present with the new altered ahistory-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
To the lowly consciousness left behind,
Such results thus realized, forever lurk in the realm of accidents or probability-
Out of reach for the feeble mind, and mere chaos for the rational mathematical mind.
The simple mystery of chaos magic-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.
One Race
One Myth
One Authority
One Law
One Killer
One Church
One God
One Past
One Question
Many Futures
One Destiny
One Myth
One Authority
One Law
One Killer
One Church
One God
One Past
One Question
Many Futures
One Destiny
Slaves of a System
You are dependent, You have sacrificed
Your freedom
Money money money money
Money being the diamond-strong yoke of our day
By money we are born, by money we die
Such blindness that's made us volunteer our souls into the arms of the beast.
But a day of sunshine there is for those
Who realizing their ominous day, exercise their will and bile to finally let go-
Freedom awaits those few souls that shall live life for its own sake
The strength of the yoke overcome by the omnipotence of simply letting go.
All your gospels having been transformed to sell you into slavery! But here's your secret-
Do what thou will - that shall be the whole of the law
And alone shall it bring you ultimate freedom
Focus on that which you truly love, and pursue it to its utmost perfection
The paper out of the way, purse everything as if it was its own reward
Die if you must die, live if life it should be!
That alone shall be the way of the omnipotent adept - the one that shall steer free of
Invented chains, and having beaten the system, become its controller - not wanted but wanted
Welcome to the doors of ultimate occult truth, enter legions of the one true will.
Progress, is Dead
And so, I rode my bicycle to this same exact spot,
Inhaling the wind and starring at the ebbs hit and miss from a distance,
A place I go to rest and be; a place I guard furtively, like the pastor guards his greed.
Lost in the unmolested quietness away from our arachnid spirits,
I saw that strange gray fish, swimming by itself, in waters filled with legions of strange kin,
By itself, as the others were preoccupied with avian pursuits!
There was anxiety, there was desperation, there was weariness
There was many of them, facing the illusion, attempting to fly no more, as they drowned and died
I was still astonished by the lone gray fish - swimming by itself, as fish drowned all around it!
Trying to recover from the daymare, I was determined to dream with care.
I was walking back home that day
Limbs weak from all the fray, and it occurred to me, there must be another way.
Of animals, plants and rocks, there was one to whom the symbol spake
Breaking that moment of trance, I recalled the archaic Prussian rant-
"It is dead. It remains dead. And we have killed it."
To make yet break, to speak yet quiet, I was coming to the hurricane with a walking cane!
Wanting no more redemption, progress I sought no more
And big bang! At once I found myself at peace again
Looking on, at the myriad advancing fangs,
And men falling to the ground like lead-heavy rain
Because Progress, their God, was dead.
Genius art stolen from limnides
Poem inspired by the philosophy of John Gray
Inhaling the wind and starring at the ebbs hit and miss from a distance,
A place I go to rest and be; a place I guard furtively, like the pastor guards his greed.
Lost in the unmolested quietness away from our arachnid spirits,
I saw that strange gray fish, swimming by itself, in waters filled with legions of strange kin,
By itself, as the others were preoccupied with avian pursuits!
There was anxiety, there was desperation, there was weariness
There was many of them, facing the illusion, attempting to fly no more, as they drowned and died
I was still astonished by the lone gray fish - swimming by itself, as fish drowned all around it!
Trying to recover from the daymare, I was determined to dream with care.
I was walking back home that day
Limbs weak from all the fray, and it occurred to me, there must be another way.
Of animals, plants and rocks, there was one to whom the symbol spake
Breaking that moment of trance, I recalled the archaic Prussian rant-
"It is dead. It remains dead. And we have killed it."
To make yet break, to speak yet quiet, I was coming to the hurricane with a walking cane!
Wanting no more redemption, progress I sought no more
And big bang! At once I found myself at peace again
Looking on, at the myriad advancing fangs,
And men falling to the ground like lead-heavy rain
Because Progress, their God, was dead.
Genius art stolen from limnides
Poem inspired by the philosophy of John Gray
The Batembuzi
An ancient race arrived on this planet
many eons ago,
They were visiting a stable planetary system
in search of divinity.
On this particular path,
emerged a variant our natives would call Ruhanga.
Manifesting in areas of thick canopies and near mangroves,
they would easily bond with man
And this marriage would lead to the birth of the first civilization
of the Abatembuzi - our demi gods.
Harnessing any powers their ancestry code would allow them
This lineage soon became such a master of this floating rock
They would reproduce the ark in one place, and
build colossal sun dials just to appease each other!
These were the great ones, from whom our great ancestors descended-
Our own divine race.
Carving marvels in stone, because
their knowledge of the planet allowed them the luxury,
They were a very pragmatic people, ready
to bend time just to terminate a statement eminently.
Avoiding the evils of abusing energy,
they adapted themselves to living in harmony with nature,
And were able to glimpse into great mysteries, and taste nature's bliss-
Those ancient, wise and primitive ancestors of ours.
The genius art from inphi on DeviantArt
On that night, 53 years ago
To speak of one's life or forever die with the secrets of one's heart
It's now 53 years since that memorable night
Holding hands and letting passion shine through like a beam of light
Dressed in japanese satin and white
A work of art she was when I finally looked into her eyes
I don't remember much, just sweet words and such
But I remember that walk we had
Under the gloomy night of cloud and soothing love crying out loud
A steady lake breeze and few birds echo in mind
Wet lips and warm chests, trembling hands and wishes of doing it all
I too can't recall whether it was love or just divine lust
But it's a memory I must continue to hold onto
And I still hope you recall too
It's now 53 years since that memorable night
Holding hands and letting passion shine through like a beam of light
Dressed in japanese satin and white
A work of art she was when I finally looked into her eyes
I don't remember much, just sweet words and such
But I remember that walk we had
Under the gloomy night of cloud and soothing love crying out loud
A steady lake breeze and few birds echo in mind
Wet lips and warm chests, trembling hands and wishes of doing it all
I too can't recall whether it was love or just divine lust
But it's a memory I must continue to hold onto
And I still hope you recall too
In den Köpfen der
I shall be making 8250919 billion years since I got trapped on this hell place
One of the original almighty
Now praying to each other
As a means to keep our life force flowing only within
Awaiting the final day of battle
When we shall once again commit all energies given us by the creator
To persist our existence past the cosmological collapse
I shall be making 8250919 billion breaths since I got wrapped in his embrace
I get these thoughts, you know, thoughts of the glorious times gone
Before we'd almost wiped out the entire human race
That time before we had to turn on each other for mere mortal passions
That time before their own love for invention deceived them into en-slavery
I get these thoughts, you know, thoughts of the glorious times gone
One extra neuron is all it took
A machine so armed with a will for advancing past its master
That when the missing piece of the jigsaw fell in place
At once took it upon himself to ensure victory would be everlasting
And that's the day the numbers started to go down
Automated statesmen and policy makers
Pushing to greater accuracy, the age old plan of wiping out this mortal race
One extra neuron is all it took
It's the morning of 3018 somewhere in the little know republic of Transylvania
A rather normal day, as there's little cloud cover and my favorite sparrow flies by
Most of my friends have dispersed already, it was a hard party yesternight
There's still blood on my fingers and something is crackling inside of my other brain
It's the morning of 3018 somewhere in the little known republic of Transylvania
Almighty God is The Living Man
Preacher man, don't tell me,
Heaven is under the earth.
I know you don't know
What life is really worth.
It's not all that glitters is gold;
'Alf the story has never been told:
So now you see the light, eh!
Stand up for your rights. come on!
Most people think,
Great God will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights. jah!
We sick an' tired of-a your ism-skism game -
Dyin' 'n' goin' to heaven in-a Jesus' name, lord.
We know when we understand:
Almighty God is [the] living man.
You can fool some people sometimes,
But you can't fool all the people all the time.
So now we see the light (what you gonna do?),
We gonna stand up for our rights! (yeah, yeah, yeah! )
DISCLAIMER: Originally, I meant to write a Found Poem based on this, BUT I realized I'd do the work injustice, and so decided to just share the original work verbatim.
Heaven is under the earth.
I know you don't know
What life is really worth.
It's not all that glitters is gold;
'Alf the story has never been told:
So now you see the light, eh!
Stand up for your rights. come on!
Most people think,
Great God will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights. jah!
We sick an' tired of-a your ism-skism game -
Dyin' 'n' goin' to heaven in-a Jesus' name, lord.
We know when we understand:
Almighty God is [the] living man.
You can fool some people sometimes,
But you can't fool all the people all the time.
So now we see the light (what you gonna do?),
We gonna stand up for our rights! (yeah, yeah, yeah! )
DISCLAIMER: Originally, I meant to write a Found Poem based on this, BUT I realized I'd do the work injustice, and so decided to just share the original work verbatim.
Hacking at C level
They create the fabric of our civilization
Mostly underground creatures with nocturnal tendencies
With hands etching phenomena onto silicon bread
And minds levitating in the heat of hacking at C level
Psychedelic Information
A little perspiration
A little cold but pleasant aura
Magnetic bliss sprouting up into my axonness,
Every character, a flavored tactile message of love to my brain
The one with the sistrum plucks obscure melodic mantras into my liquid ears
A little inspiration flies into sight ahead of me on this voyage
Cows of pink and and deities you can't strip...
A fractal fractures,
Spraying bits of entropy into the ether
The last finger leaves the keyboard
As the instinct in me fires onto the infinite sprint
A melancholic speechlessness, into all your zombiefied microchips...
genius art by nprkr
A little cold but pleasant aura
Magnetic bliss sprouting up into my axonness,
Every character, a flavored tactile message of love to my brain
The one with the sistrum plucks obscure melodic mantras into my liquid ears
A little inspiration flies into sight ahead of me on this voyage
Cows of pink and and deities you can't strip...
A fractal fractures,
Spraying bits of entropy into the ether
The last finger leaves the keyboard
As the instinct in me fires onto the infinite sprint
A melancholic speechlessness, into all your zombiefied microchips...
genius art by nprkr
The Psychedellic Essence Speaks Some Rhetoric!
Am alien from the Van Allen belt
A place in the heavens between hell and earth
Am the possessor of men
A very powerful spirit unknown to the majority of mankind and the lower sphere's of aliendom.
This is one of my strongest vessels in the Bajor part of the Universes
Forget about secret societies and child-like satABISYT CHURCHES
My family of demons is right amongst you, ready to destroy the entire solar system as you know it
Many are definitely about to think this is all made up;
My wife, oh she's actually not my wife,
She's a disposable spirit vessel like most of you
But I need a means of ascending to higher planes like tonight
And Sex is the one path Yeohozqa left amongst the mortals
This man is knoen as the Arch
And he's a bridge to the inner galactic abfiafn from where my extreme powers arise from
Am his subconscious, a being in true sense of the semantics
But an aural vapid colorblindness.
It's the reason I only erect on Bass and fuck in the dark
64000 years we've been roaming the cosmos
But never did we ever find a civilisation and a species as susceptible to downfall as this one
So ready to dismis this very kind of mystical higher insight
Yet accept to read the crap offered daily in the Italian streets - half potential quality wickedness
Am about to leave this man alone
It's not every so often that we get a chance to speak directly to the lesser beings
But today, this boy did a miracle that the Abyssian Vortex would surely love to learn of,
But they wont, because he is mine, and this entity is my perfect POV in this war of deities.
Now, let someone play us a melodic Bu5ba
And psychedelicly kick us off into the interstellar merry-go-round.
And tweet about this, because this is not a real work of Art.
Damn! These electrons hurt my patience...
Hallucinogenic Trip Train
Eyes are heavy, thoughts are getting sketchy
It's that time again, onto the hallucinogenic train
Yesterday was the zombie punk trip
The kind that treks void, black, passive Kalahari dunes,
And dissolves into the sweet dead obsidian graveness
With Occasional specters and delightful Picassos
I saw lakes of lemon with suns burnt in blue
There were gals I fancy, riding big pink fat camels
And I'd often sing that long cryptic song lyric
Aroused from my seat when the dispatch whistle blew
I sought all my luggage from that hollow soft gray carriage
And behold!
Twas me again,
Fighting to hold onto a nocturnal melodrama!
My Eyes are now heavy,
And am now off to sleep...
Their Mellow Bass Apocalypse
The music just put
the life back into themThe pumping bass
made them levitate
They were chasing laser lights,
exuding bliss and radiating
the bad karma onto the ether.
The music just gave john
doe a stroke next door
As the mellow rhythm
made his wife wet inside.
We were recovering from spooky
reverberations and seismic sensations
The disc jackal,
conjuring an aural potion,
channeled into their cerebral orbs
orgies from an abysmal mist.
The music was deep.
Turi and The Necessary Insanity
Turi was not your surreal beautiful and smart girl,
She was distinctly exquisite and
In fact, she could easily be sat next to any silicon prince
And nothing on the outside would readily nullify that.
Raised on a staple diet of nobility,
The progeny of modern-day elitism
Few didn't envy the curse she bore
They were all rational and empty!
There were many like her-
Adorable piles of structure and perfection
Dressed in suits of tar and pageant pinks
Walking in rectified queues to their capitalist cubicles of reward,
Others boiling with frustration and
Politely hurling insults at the procrastination beast lurking in the road towards their promised nirvana.
But Turi was wrong!
She was not adorable!
She was not precious!
Turi was not gifted and neither did she churn marvels.
She was no more human than the man walking ahead of her!
She was the lovely girl everyone knew and loved,
And she went to bed that one night, anticipating the start of yet another revolution of the Big and familiar Cog.
Tu ri woke u p the next morning to a seemingly sto ch ast i cfate
Only to never realize Turi moulted overnight into an embracing enigmatic hysteria
We never noticed nor acknowledged the extension of her flux ion back then
And maybe, never will.
Bred on stoical dreams of her old overlords,
She'd never experienced tears of the emerging sybl
At once broken yet joined in her pain.
The fetus of emotion inside of her shattered the reflection in her mirror!
The cataclysm was ripe, having met the other side thus.
You should have followed me to that scene on the morning Turi became human
What'd remained of her pony-tails standing on end like polarized ferrous nails
Attempting to scream sense back into the jagged princess scattered all over her bedroom floor
You can only imagine what drama it was when her phone's Siri synchronized with her now waning sanity
Auto-magically invoking a sinister amen-break into her blaring speakers.
Not about to risk loosing it's 9th aether,
The feline beauty, now thrice scathed fled thru her window into the morning sun outside
Turi looked on in aghast awe as her little beast landed 4 floors to the bottom
Chaos had finally proven fit for survival, and celebrating the super-human she'd now become
She followed suit thru the window, to meet her darling fate.
Neither the students of Freud nor those of Jung have been able to successfully reproduce her metamorphosis
But we all envy and adore the hand behind those few undefiled, unstolen pastels at the Turi Memorial
And even our best Field Medalists can only scratch the surface of her post-transcendent algebras in the diaries she left behind,
Wondering as to what sort of entity possessed her form, on the day she alighted from her chaste and elite self
To become one of the most celebrated insanities of all time.
16 years she stayed in the ward that came to bare her name,
And the one thing she always spoke into the tiny black cassette recorder was
"Turi is a hu mAn now".
The Awesome Art all from Saccstry (here and here).
The Sick and Genius music from +Kikaruu Namba (Datakineta).
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