Don't Like Me please, Just come Home

Gather oh fellow prisoners of the great spider,
Listen and don't torment your squeaky mice just yet-
It's not rain, when you can't wait to hear the thunder...

The night I was born still lingers somewhere near that horizon,
But the rain already sounds different on my roof!
I recall that day it rained turkeys at grandma's-
Trust me, it was fun with us sucky little brats embracing her dusty humor!
Everyone I knew did it!
Get sometime and go commune with their distant folk;
Instant didn't matter, and more so spinning little scrolls onto fleeting birds!
If you had to share the gourd or laugh with fellow drunkards, you needn't wear a hoodie!

OK, press FFWD on my cassette
The record says 2013, January 29th;
Bass is the new drum,
And everyone and their dog has a phone in their browser-
Feels like the entire Chinese dynasty lives next door!

Suddenly, everyone hates me!
Everyone attacks my choice of words
Wielding swords of slander inscribed with insignia from Nazi barracks!
I can't draw unicorns in the sand no more-
As everyone comes to the party on 3 horses or more.

So she asks me, "what's with yo dead status?"
I've never updated my virtual self beyond "creating" one,
And none of my folk are my family anymore
Worst of all, I never navigated to nor liked their homes!

There's too much proximity, I can't breathe inside this space no more
And for fear of loosing myself
Am shutting them all out!
All out and even removing their pictures off my prostrate walls.

Oh no! Almost made me draw the Uzi towards that soft tap at my door!
You see, that good ol'farmer across the street still comes over every evening;
We still laugh about scents from his pipe,
And I still love cuddling his little kittens-
140 Characters of Text never gave me this!
And no emoticon ever smiles at me like he does!

The awesome art from kevinleedrum

Suicide is my Will

Sick of this Peace
For once I awoke to seek a tranquility none could foresee
The rope in their hands-
Alighting from their savior's ark,
I thought for once I heard myself speak...

Indulge thy Will-
And stop dreaming the dream

There's no law on two stones
Nor purpose etched in the ether
Only thy Will is
And only it shall be thy law

Forget cohesion
Ignoramus walks the streets,
Satisfied with manna falling off the stalactites,
His one hungry troglobite child wades into the light-
Is given sight, and forever sees a shadow where they see them
Separated but one, that's his truth-
The ones you can't count are the slaves!

Matter repels its likeness
Divinity attracts like;
When I sought it,
Imbued with purity, infinity and simplicity;
There, manifesting before me was the one
As attraction finally opened it's embrace wide-
And as my will is the one true will,
Swallowed me into the ebbs of being.

The Awesome Creative Art by liiga

The mystical io6 maps

On a dark, quiet afternoon,
6 farmers from the plains of Tazmania
Dressed for the centennial phoenix-egg-search extravaganza
Turned up at the local seer's office
Who twas said, possessed arcane wisdom of the mystical i06 maps