The Batembuzi

An ancient race arrived on this planet
 many eons ago,
They were visiting a stable planetary system
in search of divinity.

On this particular path, 
emerged a variant our natives would call Ruhanga.

Manifesting in areas of thick canopies and near mangroves,
they would easily bond with man
And this marriage would lead to the birth of the first civilization
of the Abatembuzi - our demi gods.

Harnessing any powers their ancestry code would allow them
This lineage soon became such a master of this floating rock
They would reproduce the ark in one place, and 
build colossal sun dials just to appease each other!
These were the great ones, from whom our great ancestors descended-
Our own divine race.

Carving marvels in stone, because 
their knowledge of the planet allowed them the luxury,
They were a very pragmatic people, ready
to bend time just to terminate a statement eminently.

Avoiding the evils of abusing energy, 
they adapted themselves to living in harmony with nature,
And were able to glimpse into great mysteries, and taste nature's bliss-
Those ancient, wise and primitive ancestors of ours.

The genius art from inphi on DeviantArt

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