Mind & The Seeker

They dressed her in clothes of grandeur and mystique
Celebrated innumerable sacraments and orgies in her name
They scavenged for each other's blood, mutilated each other's ethic
Hell! They even held each other's phallus in her name!

Then Aha!
I Think, Therefore I Am!
Downhill from thereon
Progress having come to man
Riding Kurzweil's exponentials

She has given the plebs power to tear the cosmos apart
The fetus is stripped of innocence
She has finally made the god amongst them known
She has made all infallible, when in her zen moments, she let that
Every single man, woman, and child on this Earth be Pope

The alchemist has all the secrets of the stone,
Having Slept with her, he's heard them in her moans as she recalled
Moments of bliss during her prostitution with the cosmos over the eons

She has given the numerologist his convergence limit
Now he reads his fate from the fabric of quantum entanglement

She has given the clairvoyant his wish
Having allowed him to utter self-fulfilling prophecies

She has given the thaumaturgist his miracle
He transforms anything with volition, thanks to a relative universe
And an emotion that gravitates everything in its likeness

She has saved the oneirocritic from his insomnia
Having whispered into his ears the secrets of symbolism and recursion

Now, she has left all but one satisfied-
The last Seeker, whose will it is to
Demystify and dominate her

To that last noble spirit shall the true mystery be revealed...

The enigmatic art courtesy of Lemmy-X
And classic psy-scape courtesy of  Shpongle the Masters!

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