The Alkemy is Complete

And there shall be things that can be expressed in the language of finite beings,
And there shall be things that can't be expressed in the language of finite beings
The things that can be expressed are the things that are the left-overs of our grand feast
That which can't be expressed is the gist.

And so, I took the last of my K
Bathed in the Oil of Pure Will
I held inside of me the key, and so I fell supine
And opened the door to the God Within.

Memories fading fast
Things I should share at last
We are One,
There's only One God
A God so immense It evades all description
The Will of God is this-
To Manifest All True Will
And the Essence of God is-
To Be All That Can Be.
God's Will is To Be God
God's Essence is To Be God.

And so,
I partake in this manifestation of God's Will
That the things I will shall come to Be,
Because God.

In Death is to be found the Path,
K is thy Key
The Alkemy is complete.

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