Only Two!

Then there's life,
Where 3 things reign-
Sex, Spirituality and Power
And You, can only have two,
The other necessarily wanes.
Wisely pick your lane,
As a car can only occupy so much.

inspired by the awesome psytrance composition-
"Spiritual Connection" by Source Code and Illegal Substances (preview below)

Mass on the Road

Once every week
I put the eyes on the road
Ears on the bass kick
Feet on the pedal
And the mind where imagination does speak.
These are the divine moments of a bike mystic.

Mine Death...

Death awaits me
A song of 9 sirens,
Dark but sweet scented flowers,
The fears of men passing by my grave,
And memories of my agonies
Tormenting those that walk-by at night.

Death sings to me
A song that's thick like a butcher's floor
Veins pulsate with remorse
At the turbulence of oncoming descent
As the bowels of hades embrace my worn-out flesh.

Death has blessed me
No more do I concern myself with capitalism
Nor do I share what's a mere illusion
Death's given me a certainty worth a billion theorems
And not faith nor reason can elicit awareness of
A mystery so sublime, that all the pursuits of 
A billion souls on that rock I used to call home
Can only relate like a speck of existence on the Van Allen Belt.

Death's taught me
Oh, how insipid the pains of life be
In the shadow of death's sweet and everlasting embrace!
They ridicule, some celebrate and others dare not contemplate
But to every man and child, a headline awaits-
Twas just today, and twas still Murder by Death.

Please stay ever close,
So in mine waking fading, I might ever see past this veil.

well, life's too good to die now
but death's the most followed celebrity ever
and who am i not to like?

genius art concept by MindTuber


It's All
Even Futility

if i should ever have to teach my child just one lesson
this should be it.


aka the World, 
aka Terra, 
aka Gaia!

the Sun's blue-eyed third born,
the densest of 9 children
all her other siblings possibly zombified,
the only one still accommodating life,
and the most obese of the 4 possessive ones!

current home of the 'man',
a virile viral & villainous ape sub-specie
annihilating all her vigor and vivacity with unceasing voracity!

that under-celebrated, ever present wonder
we can merely talk of
though rarely walk under.

thanks to  oh-pear for the awesome art concept! Amazing expression...

Rule 65

In older times
Engineers had hands-on experience,
Technicians understood how the electronics worked
And what it was supposed to do,
And layout technicians knew too-
But today,
Only the computer knows for sure
And it's not talking.

this awesome little poem is actually quoted verbatim
 from the admirable NASA's list of 100 rules for its project managers (one edition here)
the aweome circuit is definitely courtsey of GhettoMole