We are doing enuf, right?
What the fuck happened?
Central Africa!
Yeah right! Just behind mine home!
Zinkisi, did we sin before thee?
Oh, and we can't trust the wards anymore!
No, neither the men with white skin
Who knows the sower of the cursed bean?
I avoid friends and won't even call the sick
"Brother, forget our blood pact please!"
"Kiss not thy wife"
"Brother, forget our blood pact please!"
"Kiss not thy wife"
What have you done to us!
I watched a mother abandon her own skull,
For the sake of her surviving brood
Thanks to this fantastically cruel disease,
Turning against us our own compassion, care, and love!
What will happen?
I might die, hell I'll die!
6 billion people infected,
Nearly as many as the world’s most parasitic swarm.
Stay at home
Watch TV, that's what you've been raised to do.
Don't shake hands
It's okay, you can be mean all you want
You have no gods to pray to
So, of your cents, probably throw in two
And wait for someone else to go fix that mess too!
Damn, I will this curse rain on your land too!
People die,
Even laughing kills,
But this? Thousands of thousands
People who, like us, eat, drink, sleep, and feel joy and fear,
Love and anguish.
Deaths come suddenly and unexpectedly,
Not just solitarily, but along with the extinction of
Families and the decimation of whole communities!
They are human, and We want to remain human?
We must, care. And grieve - for all humanity.
Poem inspired by and partially based on the awesome essay by Stanford Professor of Law, Hank Greely.
Thanks Greely for casting light on this ghastly, but undercelebrated plague!
Thanks Greely for casting light on this ghastly, but undercelebrated plague!
The most horrific and sick art is thanks to the genius mind of artist PriestofTerror
who indeed knows the dark side of Ebola
(piece apparently done with Pencil, acrylic and his own blood!)
who indeed knows the dark side of Ebola
(piece apparently done with Pencil, acrylic and his own blood!)
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