2 is a number!
Thrust you out of your slumber?
Or is this insipid like unsalted cucumber?

2's an idea
Tangible Intangible!
Tingling, chiseling, sprinkling the mind!
Weaning me on dishes of space and time!

2 is abstract
Not your lemon extract
So gather all your fears!
In obscurity we trust

2 is either true
Need some truth to attach to!
A bird in blue hue I was taught to look up to!

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, while looking around for some theme art to accompany this little piece, I stumbled upon this amazing piece called "Number 2" by shdante on DeviantArt. It's not immediately related to this poem, but I felt a strong urge to link to it still.

    number 2

    It's awesome!
