The Song of Mort

Hate to think am just experiment
That some deity on a mystical expedition
Left me on this rock, a residue of his curiosity
That it's an accident and that mother's cold and indifferent

Hate this unceasing search
Turning the rocks on this long forgotten path!
Smells like a Tor network -
A myriad progressions of enigmatic sheaths
Each mysterious, unhumorous, mind numbing as the last!

Ignorance hurts,
And knowledge is a stake through the heart!

Hate this "relativity"
Fates of seeing a light in another!
It's unforgiving as I strip me to the bone
As the hidden cosmos looks at me with contempt

Attempts to isolate will only serve to blind me
So I turn to crop-circles and the god-particle!

Talking about God
I Hate that It created me
Hate that I have to think, more so have to think of It!
And no matter what I think, think It ain't about me!

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