
They don't blaspheme-
Seeking to effect without cause?
Lol No! The maggot, feasting on decay, needs will and energy-

It's the Great Design.

The otherwise distant, is made nigh
The uncertain is elaborately cloaked
And an illusion projected, does manifest!

It's that inner, interminable yet bounded energy
Pouring forth into lodes exposed by treading upon that unbeaten road,
By will trained and shaped as by the dead B.F Skinner
That moulds mere potential, into the acts of gods.
Behold! There's this energy, which only ritual
Knows how to bring forth.

I can't help but acknowledge the impact ritual can have [on me], sometimes, it's a disconcerting state of uncertainty, 
other times, the answer is too heavy to bear!

amazing concept art by the amazing Shairin

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