seers to come

They, diviners of tomorrow
They who shall oversee the singularities
  Having cataloged every cat, alive 
  With galeanthropic algorithms and bald-headed
  Doctors playing ailuromancy in hexadecimal
They who shall live in the spiritual realm-
Of abstract thought and statistical parapraxis
  At once seeing the big picture, while the plebs
  Dwell on particulars and screaming infographics
  Them, engineers of the new alchemy.
Who shall doctor elixirs of life, make miracles of nature, 
Own laws, transcribing will into encoded sigils-
  Great Works manifested via post-silicon gates.

Numbers have been here before, and they shall be with us till our fall.
You make the statistic, or become a part of someone else's.

Amazing conceptual art by lien.

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