Mythical Cake

Right! You can definitely see it steam,
Hell no! You can even smell it if you like
Oh my! I used to taste one every Sunday
But if it's born a mythical cake? It definitely stays one.

We bake them in the head, we serve them
To those we'd love to behead.
"No, child don't believe that!"
Whatever happened to Saint Machiavelli?
"No, only money rules child"
It's a myth!

It's a pragmatic thing child
Myth has potency and utility
It's a myth!

Cakes with nine inch nails in them,
Cakes with bleeding rocks on them,
Cakes delivered by white bearded men on sleighs,
Cakes baked in cyclotrons with the unforgiving heat of
A Million PHDs
It's all a myth.

But it works!
Miracles happen child-
And it's all a myth!

Here's the ultimate myth child,
It doesn't matter which hill the stone rolls down;
If you can bake a cake so real it has taste to the ashy
Buds of reason, you'll have it as heavy as ballast in your hands, 

And only the calcified vaults of law would ever know how 
Many you'll bleed at your altar.

Thanks to En-GeL for the perfect art concept and message!


The music that lifts my soul
Melts the chains of reason about me
And delivers me, wet with desire
At the solid gates of the Self.

The Afterlife

If this
The afterlife,
I'd commit suicide indefinitely.


Numbers are like words
Sterile, void and cold
Until you bring 1 to bed.

Blindness fades with the difference, as
An inference gets moulded out of ours gray manifolds thus;
An illusion condenses and is felt and wet
Like the sweat dripping down my face,
Yet in the moment we assign a figure to it, we drop the egg
Though we may feed eternally on the reference.

If it's Grossly FAT, it possibly embraces beauty, right?
Oh, and it possibly is palpable too...
"Serve me FAT, intellects and peas for starters."
"I'll definitely need a coffee and a million sugars to make it real."

Written across the doors of The New Temple:
The More You Can See
The Closer To GOD You SHALL Be
Are The Way, The Truth and The Life!

You see, the difference is this-
For a finite mind, the ability to say something about 
The Infinite, makes all the difference.
All is Number, said the lean Ionian
And here's an Irish razor to cut it nicely and righteously...

To Know And Not Know, 
is The Divine Way To Know
call me back when you know...

The number of the sand, and the measures of the sea
Thus replied the bayesian high priest, is a probability!
Measure is not wanting to the ocean, nor number to the sand,
And thus, shall we probably surpass the wisdom of the ancients?

awesome art concept by bladesilver

The Pitch

Mesmer talked, and affected;
He enters a room, whether alone with a man or
amidst a mob,
Mesmer chanted and acted in a certain way without
Talking less to the ear, such a tongue that could dazzle anyone's spleenora!

"You are here to sell water to the well?"
Because, the well that lives never has a thirst quenched,
And thus, I get into a state of flow again.

selling is a divine art... 
just like this divine owl by pnkfdarts

WwwHeN HN is down!

What the HeN!
C-r C-r S-C-r-eam WTF!
Thought 2012 was done! Unbelievable.

    Do you hear yourself? See, that's
What it amounts to - for the pathetic spider
In search of a web it's not helping spin.

Despite our decaying memory, we've cached
options though;
And we can get all emotional and wreck a tantrum with
And thus, we forget Saint Graham
As we bask in the alternate glories of our time!

awesome art-concept by MateuszKawka


It's not just the code causing much gnashing of teeth,
Friendships do get traded, nature corrupted
And recurring headaches every dinner, and a good
WTFs served over handshakes.

I been walkin man,
It's the hustle they say-
Get rich or die tryin?
Man, fuck that 50 crap!
Tradin thoughtforms ain't no easy trip.

Lawyers, investors, co-founders
They share the same womb anyways-
Their hearts beat to the rhythm of green paper,
And your gray matter better be palatable!

Users, scribes, haters and passersby,
Basically you eat humans for a living too
But on a different savannah though-
The startup turns you into a mean Capital C Canibal.

I'm gonna get this mural out of my skull this one night
I'm gonna move fast and stealthily across this entire land
Am gonna breath all my hunger into this beast
And I'll sit back and watch as an egregore roams the web
Devouring all my foes, and washing down all my woes
It's that time again-
Time to start up once more,
If it's no more a dream, it's morphed into a lucid form
Time to stand up, keyboard in hand, and go own life's cockpit.

awesome art concept by OlgaKalinovskaya


It's hard to admit the potency of magick
Very Often

Until a pure miracle drops dead at ones doorstep.

Today, I got what I should admit was a plain miracle, 
and the words of a sage echoed in my mind - "acknowledge the power of magick, when it works for you".

the miracle of art by aimeelikestotakepics