Right! You can definitely see it steam,
Hell no! You can even smell it if you like
Oh my! I used to taste one every Sunday
But if it's born a mythical cake? It definitely stays one.
We bake them in the head, we serve them
To those we'd love to behead.
"No, child don't believe that!"
Whatever happened to Saint Machiavelli?
"No, only money rules child"
It's a myth!
It's a pragmatic thing child
Myth has potency and utility
It's a myth!
Cakes with nine inch nails in them,
Cakes with bleeding rocks on them,
Cakes delivered by white bearded men on sleighs,
Cakes baked in cyclotrons with the unforgiving heat of
A Million PHDs
It's all a myth.
But it works!
Miracles happen child-
And it's all a myth!
Here's the ultimate myth child,
It doesn't matter which hill the stone rolls down;
If you can bake a cake so real it has taste to the ashy
Buds of reason, you'll have it as heavy as ballast in your hands,
And only the calcified vaults of law would ever know how
Many you'll bleed at your altar.
Thanks to En-GeL for the perfect art concept and message!