Numbers are like words
Sterile, void and cold
Until you bring 1 to bed.

Blindness fades with the difference, as
An inference gets moulded out of ours gray manifolds thus;
An illusion condenses and is felt and wet
Like the sweat dripping down my face,
Yet in the moment we assign a figure to it, we drop the egg
Though we may feed eternally on the reference.

If it's Grossly FAT, it possibly embraces beauty, right?
Oh, and it possibly is palpable too...
"Serve me FAT, intellects and peas for starters."
"I'll definitely need a coffee and a million sugars to make it real."

Written across the doors of The New Temple:
The More You Can See
The Closer To GOD You SHALL Be
Are The Way, The Truth and The Life!

You see, the difference is this-
For a finite mind, the ability to say something about 
The Infinite, makes all the difference.
All is Number, said the lean Ionian
And here's an Irish razor to cut it nicely and righteously...

To Know And Not Know, 
is The Divine Way To Know
call me back when you know...

The number of the sand, and the measures of the sea
Thus replied the bayesian high priest, is a probability!
Measure is not wanting to the ocean, nor number to the sand,
And thus, shall we probably surpass the wisdom of the ancients?

awesome art concept by bladesilver

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