Fringe Spirituality

Grow ever stronger,
Leveraging the power of His strength!
God be your armour
In this age of Darkness
As reason alone is bound to fail.

For, human foes we fight not
But arcane principalities
In power, rulers of this dark world.
The air we breathe, the water we drink all stained with war
For, in every direction, we faceth 
Spirits that reign in the heavens as on earth

Let not ignorance ensnare you
That you take for granted the truths of the book.
Let not flesh limit you
That you ignore what's occult to your senses
Let not your awareness clog with materialism.

Nurture your higher-self
Pray in Spirit, 
With your subconscious mind
In all space and time,
So you might stay ever feeding on the essence of God
And thus be ever clad in armour
On these fringes of spiritual existence.

the divine art courtsey of masiani's classical genius

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