The Routine

If it ain't the Xtreme logic Alarm, there's no waking
The tooth fairies are not a myth, we must appease them
The insanely mundane task of choosing amongst 69 T-shirts!
If it's Sunday morning, then church is the musical bike ride into the hood's unknown
The 1 hour or so of taking drugs, occasionally with milk and sugar to taste.
"Baby what shall we eat tonite?"
The choices look deceivingly infinite, the delays are, but there's no app for this yet!
The Kiss
The forever of waiting in arbitrary queues for the next Taxi to favor me
The office check-in and the cold greetings
The adoringly sweet moments of getting lost in the world of code
Live to eat or Eat to live?
Getting drowned in bliss again, machines just love me!
A 17:30 alarm makes me feel so Capitalist and Empty
Not having one makes me a pathetic Communist
Time to walk out, Music in my nerves, feet on the road
"Don't you worry baby, am comin' home."
All the curvaceous temptations on the way home
The kiss
Oh! The shower!
If it ain't commemoration of the Sun gods, baby let's grind on -- the Startup Dream
"Pull the plug or you'll starve yourself!"
No TV! I repeat, No TV in my house!
If it's Sex, it must be passion, unless I've watched lots of p0rn, I hate lust
"There are no demons hovering over you baby"
Is it 2am?
Curse the thief who'd try to break the Silence
Sleep and Hope to die in Silence

Th3 P3rl M0nk

@dorned in obscurity & a myriad tongues of faith
@ m0nk descended from space in a delirious ship like <=>

He wrote all his divine secret /w+/ords in his $_ and @_
But kindly did bid all peasants to use his $English if they so wished
He was very kind in every kind and very wise too

With !love for wastage & exces+
$_ would assume and recite mantras of our passion like }{ kissing
And all the seekers of wisdom knew that the m/0nk/ ? was different : indeed

His apprentices grew arcane and 3vil from the perls he taught
Placing the ~-$curse on nobles and foes alike
So that prosperity decreased with time, but the curse never could be reversed!

With a legion of hackerous deviant beings now themselves referred to as m0nks
The m0nk Larry re-wrote the whole of cuneiform and Aztec heiroglyphics in a dialect they called Perl
And when the god tried to banish the dialect on the Day of Babel,
The m0nks gathered in a { $conclave; },
Summoned together Qi on orders of ~$% << (($()**1E6)
And thus it came to pass that in the Aeon of Scripts , Perl alone reigned over them all

The Ruby Samurai

Among the ancient samurai knights
On a dark and red-shifted night
Was born an apprentice of the esoteric Art of the Mystical Bytes
With a name alien like Raphus cucullatus from Mars
まつもとゆきひろ stepped thus into the realm of immortals as Matz

With no master, the true legend arose to dominance by deviating from existing schools of the True Art,
Alone in the Kansai fu of Osaka
Matz ventured and trained deeper into the wilderness of jargon and hex

After meditating on the functional and objective chakras of the Turing Beast
In one fierce battle against the m0nks and the dynasty of the snake
Matz became a decorated Shogun the moment he concieved the lethal qi of MRI

At a time when form was void of beauty and emotion
The Samurai rode out to all the districts far and beyond
Conquering forces of greed and corporate vapidness
With the poetic enchantment dispensed by the gems his saber carved from hearts of his foemen

The Force was Ruby
And the Force was with Him
Transmutating the cosmos into rubified objects
This was a time of painless monads and true Jedi functions to manifest!

The JavaScript Deity

In the beginning :

There was form and state
But still everything was dark and void
It felt like Chaos!

Then the deity Brendan Eich sketched a divine prototype upon the cosmos
Reminiscent of the mystical Third Reich,
And together in Him, the Trinity; Id, Ego and Super-Ego
Created ex nihilo a concrete entity much like the asteroid Streich
And He proved that it was good, and separated it from the chaos
The dark was called Java, and the light He called JavaScript

Javascript : {
He not only gave them power to name, use and rule, but gave them the power to : [ create, clone ],
Like other gods  He : [ spoke C language of Gods ],
But He would allow the world to :  function ()  {
One tongue to power all
No matter weak or just lazy
The tongue was criticized
But that never made it cripple
One by One
The masses learnt to speak the tongue
And deciding not to hang, even the Redmonds sang
His Children got obsessed to spin this vivid Web of Life
Becoming more amazing than the massive Godzilla
And on a fox of flames He reigned all from Mozilla