The JavaScript Deity

In the beginning :

There was form and state
But still everything was dark and void
It felt like Chaos!

Then the deity Brendan Eich sketched a divine prototype upon the cosmos
Reminiscent of the mystical Third Reich,
And together in Him, the Trinity; Id, Ego and Super-Ego
Created ex nihilo a concrete entity much like the asteroid Streich
And He proved that it was good, and separated it from the chaos
The dark was called Java, and the light He called JavaScript

Javascript : {
He not only gave them power to name, use and rule, but gave them the power to : [ create, clone ],
Like other gods  He : [ spoke C language of Gods ],
But He would allow the world to :  function ()  {
One tongue to power all
No matter weak or just lazy
The tongue was criticized
But that never made it cripple
One by One
The masses learnt to speak the tongue
And deciding not to hang, even the Redmonds sang
His Children got obsessed to spin this vivid Web of Life
Becoming more amazing than the massive Godzilla
And on a fox of flames He reigned all from Mozilla