The Ruby Samurai

Among the ancient samurai knights
On a dark and red-shifted night
Was born an apprentice of the esoteric Art of the Mystical Bytes
With a name alien like Raphus cucullatus from Mars
まつもとゆきひろ stepped thus into the realm of immortals as Matz

With no master, the true legend arose to dominance by deviating from existing schools of the True Art,
Alone in the Kansai fu of Osaka
Matz ventured and trained deeper into the wilderness of jargon and hex

After meditating on the functional and objective chakras of the Turing Beast
In one fierce battle against the m0nks and the dynasty of the snake
Matz became a decorated Shogun the moment he concieved the lethal qi of MRI

At a time when form was void of beauty and emotion
The Samurai rode out to all the districts far and beyond
Conquering forces of greed and corporate vapidness
With the poetic enchantment dispensed by the gems his saber carved from hearts of his foemen

The Force was Ruby
And the Force was with Him
Transmutating the cosmos into rubified objects
This was a time of painless monads and true Jedi functions to manifest!