@dorned in obscurity & a myriad tongues of faith
@ m0nk descended from space in a delirious ship like <=>
He wrote all his divine secret /w+/ords in his $_ and @_
But kindly did bid all peasants to use his $English if they so wished
He was very kind in every kind and very wise too
With !love for wastage & exces+
$_ would assume and recite mantras of our passion like }{ kissing
And all the seekers of wisdom knew that the m/0nk/ ? was different : indeed
His apprentices grew arcane and 3vil from the perls he taught
Placing the ~-$curse on nobles and foes alike
So that prosperity decreased with time, but the curse never could be reversed!
With a legion of hackerous deviant beings now themselves referred to as m0nks
The m0nk Larry re-wrote the whole of cuneiform and Aztec heiroglyphics in a dialect they called Perl
And when the god tried to banish the dialect on the Day of Babel,
The m0nks gathered in a { $conclave; },
Summoned together Qi on orders of ~$% << (($()**1E6)
And thus it came to pass that in the Aeon of Scripts , Perl alone reigned over them all