Probably Just a Wish

How I wish
I had

More blissful sex,
getting high on shrooms,
building an AI program that actually does something useful,
ridding a big open-roof vehicle with trance music
into an endless wild countryside,
getting laid some more,
fuck! getting high and experiencing extra-terrestrial life -
doesn't matter where, as long as I can come back
and re-live the experience...

No rules to follow,
no job,
just me
living life the way I deem it should be,
and finding the people to make it happen.

Knowing that I am
sentient or why not
- discovering my true purpose in life.

How I wish these things could come true
In this or the next life

I wish it could be true,
That these wishes talk to me 
about What Real Heaven Must Have Been
If I had not fallen from grace.

I wish to return into grace,
It's probably not just a wish..

magical trippy art from AustinE31891

5 Reasons To Kill Someone With An Axe

You want to move to Russia
Well, you better be prepared to fend off an attack
Because when I raised my arm up like this,
A wolf was just holding my hand, trying to claw my hand.
I wanted to open his mouth and put my fist all the way there,
All the way to his throat. But I could not open him.
Eventually I had to murder with an Axe.

My flatmate is dead and doesn't know why
A pair of trousers found at the property contain my DNA
Spattered with his red rum.
I told a doc I was hearing
Voices that were going to harm me,
Making me panic - I definitely hate panicking!
So I grabbed the Axe
And h i t him 15 times

My father kept an Axe by his bedside to
protect him from me!
Mother was speaking over the internet to her friends,
It was the late night, so I turned off the light
And grabbed that thing from the frail senile.
I hit him 10 times, he fell, he crouched on the floor and
Still I hit him, and watched him die.
The man who was mother's assaulter-
And he begged me to kill him with the Axe he kept by his bedside!

Then I came in and saw the two of them together,
My sister and the boy wanting to get inside of her.
I couldn't think of anything but killing him and her.
So first I thought of hacking the dude,
But he jumped through the window and so I turned to her
Then damn! In came mother and father SCREAMing at Me!
I swung the Axe and killed them both - no witness was to remain
So I chased after my niece and nephew and killed them too.
5 members down, and I there was still blood on the fuckin Axe!

Mother always cut the chicken every Sunday morning,
She'd ask me to bring the Axe, and she'd murder our meal with passion
For keeping her family alive, mother died  from chicken disease.
I only knew of 3 other people staying near home on the island
So on the second weekend after mother's death, there was no more safe chicken
I knew of. I was starving and so I took the Axe with me to the next home
I met the selfish man down at the barn and hit him 4 times in the neck and dome
I survived for another week until the 2 men came and tried to murder me too.

I no-longer work and don't attend school
So I went to mother and grandmother and
Asked them for an allowance of only $50/day - sure they refused!
There was a butcher knife on the kitchen table,
So I grabbed it, and pushed them to the couch like it was about be the murder ritual-
There was that fucking expensive phone humming, so I smashed it first
Then I went outside, to the place I'd locked the family dogs
I definitely had the Axe by now,
And then I mutilated them canines into a crimson fog!
Went back, told mother and grandmother the epic as I pulled a gun.
Enough murder for the day,
I went and put the Axe Away
No one found the dogs anyway, but I was too tired to say
The Police locked me up, because there's an Axe for everyone anyway.

DISCLAIMER : Apart from one incidence, this poem is entirely based on reports of True Axe-Murder cases reported on the inter-webs(see sources below).

Premeditated Murder is immoral and often SEVERELY punishable by law with MURDER!

This piece of literature is not meant to inspire, but educate the mentally unstable masses out there (and that might be everyone), that killing with an Axe is indeed an evil act we should all avoid.


As this is a bad found poem, the Axe-murder sources in order of their use are:

The horrific awesome art is from Aliisza.

Eternal Rock and Roll

Important and Powerful
Happy and Prosperous
Beautiful and Pacific
The Rocks made People

Hard as the hardest hard
On being rare and pure
Was placed the authority of kings and queens
Such aesthetic qualities only nature could bestow

Blood was shed
Gods were fed
Crowns were made

We exchanged roots for rock & roll
Metal for meat
Gold for god
Paper for our Person!
Nothing to exchange, and we've lost it all

I swear upon the kaffiyeh I don't wear
If rhapsodomancy divines thus
The only wealth you'll have tomorrow 
Is naught but the rare rock in your lair

lovely art from dori

4 Different Spaces!

I had the most disturbing dreams the other night.
I visited 4 different planets-
Each varying in its configuration and species,
And each next one left the other wanting something...

First I went to this strangest of places
It was like spending all one's life trapped on an infinitely straight enclosed Wall of China
No corners, no roofs and surprisingly no pits!
If you had to move past someone, you'd walk right through them!
The strange citizens of this tube planet could only discern by count and extension
At the bar every night, I'd seek directions from this bad stream
And it would always be the same - like in every bad dream-
Take three feet backwards, two feet in your face, one foot front or back
And never dare make one turn!

Then I got splattered on a flat place- such a complex grid planet
For no matter how real it seemed, everything just seemed real
Everyone born in halves - the part boy the other girl!
And even when they did get married - the part men the other wives!
Some folks did seem real, walking about with phantom partners
But no matter where they walked, everyone knew their turns back home!
The last cross on that face, I was gasping for breath
When I left that draughts and naughts place to navigate some other space...

The third dream was damn real!
With three sides for each scheme and even time for coffee cream!
There were curved embraces from strange flat faces
There were fast spinning dancers and flying cube cancer
I recall meeting that conjurer at the Zero Scale Hotel
Who could multiply one's cake by changing its shape!
It was one delightful but strange curved place,
With different people aging in varying directions!
And before I'd seen my curious Button case, I awoke onto the final space...

There was no one in sight, everything racing fast as light!
It was one immense endless form-
Streets in infinite directions, some emerging where others had just vanished!
It felt like a sojourn of a one Hawking or some other Hilbert shape-shifter!
Then I felt all my limbs vanish as a blanketing uncertainty engulfed all my senses!
In a flash of one moment, I thought I had a glimpse of the one god
And then it became clear - this was the ultimate One Space!
It was a rewarding nightmare, that hypercomplex quantum race!

This poem is inspired by chapter 3 of Dr. Noel Curran's The philosophy of mathematics and natural laws: another Copernican revolution. I wrote this poem partly to celebrate Noel Curran (1915-2010), whose less celebrated work probably "opens the way to the final unification of physics" - maybe his legacy shall be noticed sometime in the future.

Awesome Art from GraceLungArtPallete

Naturally Wired?

Dear Iboga,
Why are we naturally wired for these experiences?
The survival of the human species?
Take Care, Comb your hair, Roland Griffiths.

Dear Griffiths,
I might add a given - for the survival of all trees and fish too.
There's your egress - the savior needs a mystical vibrant dress for the evolution parade.
Meet you on the trip, Tabernanthe Iboga.

Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., raises some provoking questions towards the end of his talk/presentation about the results of his decades-long principal research into the behavioral and subjective effects of mood-altering drugs - he asks whether it might be possible that that there's a reason"humans have been wired by nature for these kinds of [mystical-like] experiences [from these mind-altering drugs]." Checkout the talk if you can. The consequences of this research might have huge implications for the future of our species, faiths and the planet itself.

Tabernanthe Iboga is one of the most powerful and profound "spiritual" psychedelic shrubs in the African rain-forests. It has a known reputation for "rectifying bad deviations" in man.


An anticausal system
A "hypothetical" universe in which outputs and internal states depend solely on future input values!
An esoteric marvel to the bespectacled quantum men of papers,
Who, obsessed with rational cause and effect, find fault in trees growing now with the rain of tomorrow-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.

To put it very simply,
A successful magical act causes an apparently acausal result-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.

Experience what it means to be in charge of destiny-
Allowing oneself to leverage the material of chaos inherent in us as the subconscious,
Neither limited in space nor in time
Letting go of this limited (and frustrated) illusive consciousness,
One navigates to a desired state in one's or natures's future-
Where they can manipulate the variables of chaos as they so will
The universe, being that conservative but generous mother,
Aligns the present with the new altered ahistory-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.

To the lowly consciousness left behind,
Such results thus realized, forever lurk in the realm of accidents or probability-
Out of reach for the feeble mind, and mere chaos for the rational mathematical mind.
The simple mystery of chaos magic-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.



One Race
One Myth
One Authority
One Law
One Killer
One Church
One God
One Past
One Question
Many Futures
One Destiny

Slaves of a System

You are dependent, You have sacrificed
Your freedom
Money money money money
Money being the diamond-strong yoke of our day
By money we are born, by money we die
Such blindness that's made us volunteer our souls into the arms of the beast.
But a day of sunshine there is for those
Who realizing their ominous day, exercise their will and bile to finally let go-
Freedom awaits those few souls that shall live life for its own sake
The strength of the yoke overcome by the omnipotence of simply letting go.
All your gospels having been transformed to sell you into slavery! But here's your secret-
Do what thou will - that shall be the whole of the law
And alone shall it bring you ultimate freedom
Focus on that which you truly love, and pursue it to its utmost perfection
The paper out of the way, purse everything as if it was its own reward
Die if you must die, live if life it should be!
That alone shall be the way of the omnipotent adept - the one that shall steer free of
Invented chains, and having beaten the system, become its controller - not wanted but wanted
Welcome to the doors of ultimate occult truth, enter legions of the one true will.