
An anticausal system
A "hypothetical" universe in which outputs and internal states depend solely on future input values!
An esoteric marvel to the bespectacled quantum men of papers,
Who, obsessed with rational cause and effect, find fault in trees growing now with the rain of tomorrow-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.

To put it very simply,
A successful magical act causes an apparently acausal result-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.

Experience what it means to be in charge of destiny-
Allowing oneself to leverage the material of chaos inherent in us as the subconscious,
Neither limited in space nor in time
Letting go of this limited (and frustrated) illusive consciousness,
One navigates to a desired state in one's or natures's future-
Where they can manipulate the variables of chaos as they so will
The universe, being that conservative but generous mother,
Aligns the present with the new altered ahistory-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.

To the lowly consciousness left behind,
Such results thus realized, forever lurk in the realm of accidents or probability-
Out of reach for the feeble mind, and mere chaos for the rational mathematical mind.
The simple mystery of chaos magic-
Such is the awe of nature - the chaos in existence.


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