Naturally Wired?

Dear Iboga,
Why are we naturally wired for these experiences?
The survival of the human species?
Take Care, Comb your hair, Roland Griffiths.

Dear Griffiths,
I might add a given - for the survival of all trees and fish too.
There's your egress - the savior needs a mystical vibrant dress for the evolution parade.
Meet you on the trip, Tabernanthe Iboga.

Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., raises some provoking questions towards the end of his talk/presentation about the results of his decades-long principal research into the behavioral and subjective effects of mood-altering drugs - he asks whether it might be possible that that there's a reason"humans have been wired by nature for these kinds of [mystical-like] experiences [from these mind-altering drugs]." Checkout the talk if you can. The consequences of this research might have huge implications for the future of our species, faiths and the planet itself.

Tabernanthe Iboga is one of the most powerful and profound "spiritual" psychedelic shrubs in the African rain-forests. It has a known reputation for "rectifying bad deviations" in man.

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