Slaves of a System

You are dependent, You have sacrificed
Your freedom
Money money money money
Money being the diamond-strong yoke of our day
By money we are born, by money we die
Such blindness that's made us volunteer our souls into the arms of the beast.
But a day of sunshine there is for those
Who realizing their ominous day, exercise their will and bile to finally let go-
Freedom awaits those few souls that shall live life for its own sake
The strength of the yoke overcome by the omnipotence of simply letting go.
All your gospels having been transformed to sell you into slavery! But here's your secret-
Do what thou will - that shall be the whole of the law
And alone shall it bring you ultimate freedom
Focus on that which you truly love, and pursue it to its utmost perfection
The paper out of the way, purse everything as if it was its own reward
Die if you must die, live if life it should be!
That alone shall be the way of the omnipotent adept - the one that shall steer free of
Invented chains, and having beaten the system, become its controller - not wanted but wanted
Welcome to the doors of ultimate occult truth, enter legions of the one true will.

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