The Magick of Books

Why is it that the greatest ones
Also owned the greatest books?


A book is both
A physical and spiritual entity. 
A Book is a System.
A Book is a Key.
A Book can be a god 
Or the likeness of God
IT - can compress and encode billions of billions of information originating in and out of the minds 
of men, angels,  demons and gods.
All at the fingertips of the reader.

The Universe
Is Information
Acting on Itself.
A Book can Contain such a Truth.

A Book
Has Potential to endow its inherent power onto whomever dares to 
open its pages and become aware if its content.

A Book
Has the power to destroy!
For once a mind gives custody to the information contained in a book, the act
Can't be undone!
With or without knowing it,
Books have shaped mankind.

A Book,
Can be a Window
Letting in light from outside the mind to come in.
Can be a Router,
And sometimes a Mirror!
Channeling the information coming towards it onto another direction.

A Book
Is a Probability Field
At once altering the minds of whomever encountered it,
As long as they got even just its name entangled with them.

All Books have bias!
And that's how they manage to sway the minds of men.
Some powerful enough to cause the envy of gods.
Some books even transcend time and space,
Sometimes even being capable of warping it.

There are such books as
The Magician's Book.
Initially Void and Pure,
All information contained therein with equipotential-
Consider the Power of a Blank Page!
The magician,
Working with or against principles and entities,
Elements, memories, symbols and facts
Eventually, if they are worth their salt
Get to construct, in whatever system of their liking,
An Information Black Hole.
And Once, u have one or more such IBH

By the Book,
Step into the Circle
And assume your Divinity.

That's how powerful Books are.
Don't you ever forget what divine power dwells within any man;
One of the powers men posses of God-
To create, read, understand and apply the information in a symbol.

Now You
Understand this Book.
Go forth
And Seek the Great Work.

Satan, The Flame

It can offer protection
But also devour lives
It can cook food
But also torture saints
It can give light
But also produce the darkest smoke
It can offer warmth in the harshest winter
But also drain the life out of flesh
Arguably man's greatest discovery,
Also his best metaphor of what Satan Is

Children, learn to master the flame

Because all fire comes from God
And God offers both
That which nourishes,
And that which impoverishes.
God begot Satan, so we might use It.
With Care.

Don't Worship

Don't be a Slave
But learn to use the Flame.

The flame, is already Inside of You

the dark, sinister concept art courtesy of concept-drawing-girl

Lamentations, of A Soul in Search of God

God, what can I possibly know about God?
Nothing! Absolutely nothing!
God, what can I possibly believe about God?
Anything! Absolutely anything!

In this current state...
What should inform my sense of direction?
Wisdom from reason?
Wisdom from faith?
Can I even trust intuition if I can't trust its source?
I, Who am I?

It's all Relative!
By Faith as By Reason
It's all Relative!
Futility at its Best!
What really motivated Christ, Buddha, Nietzsche and the others?

And so,
I currently fight everything and everyone!
The Church, The Government, The Faculty
Hell! Am even at war with The Devil!
Where is anything to hold onto but Chaos?
Necessary Rebellion leaves me labelled an obstinate hipster!

Oh, and after all that,
There's still our classic mystery - God!
Imagine if there wasn't anything for us to relate to...
Imagine if we were just absolute - at once united with all existence,
Devoid of any variation and uncertainty.
It would be a boring existence, right?
My mind can't even begin to contemplate absolute simplicity and homogeneity as
The absolute reality underlying all existence, can it?
Oh God! You should've been merciful in your design
That you gave curiosity and a yearning for more to this thing called man.
Maybe, assuming lesser roles is our blessing,
A gift for us to deal with only that which we can accommodate...
Maybe, being God isn't actually any fun,
Maybe that's the Absolute Hell so sought after by those on the Left?
What could be more Individualistic, more Egotistic, more Satanic than
Controlling all the affairs of the Cosmos, keeping all where they should be
Judging, Creating and Destroying, Blessing and Cursing as One Desires...
Maybe that's why attempting to be God is Suicidal and Dark!
Maybe we should all just be like Children, said Christ
Content with being lead and accepting fate as it falls into place-
Embracing uncertainty and chaos!
Sobbing and laughing at existence every once in a while.

Oh, but you planted in us a desire...
You modelled me after yourself...
And so, in mine current state, the yearning to experience it all
To once again be united with my real Self
To once again assume the role I was modelled upon
To once again be God!
That seed's still in me, because you modelled me after yourself!

God, you are not a sadist, are you?
Why evade me so much?
Why cause us so much hatred and conflict concerning you?
Oh, please God, take this burden off my mind
And make known to me your true essence.
If mine mind must be momentarily removed from this limiting vessel of matter,
So mote it be.

I wish, I desire
To experience you
United with you-
For me to not just know and believe in you,
But to Be
The True, Absolute and Mysterious God!
To Be One with You.

In my current, limited and mortal state,
Am only this unaware, but hopeful part of God
And I see much reason to lament this life!

The Waepons

Soldier, know the war
Polish thy waepons,
Sharpen thy blades-
Fear & Love
Darkness & Light
Ignore all else.

The battlefield is new
But the war is now old
Reason shall only startle the enemy
Emotion will topple them flat!

Soldier, lose not your mind
For even though you might stand
A thousand wounds to thy chest
You might not stand a single lethal blow to thy mind!
Brace yourself thus
For this is a war in spirit...

Music, Art, Speech, Woman and Wine
Not Science,
Symbols, Symbols and Symbols
Not Philosophy,
Television, News, Literature, Politics and Culture
Not Genetics,
Doctrine, Ritual, Church and Faith
Emotion and Faith
Not Reason and Proof.

deep art thanks to ODELAYed

Fringe Spirituality

Grow ever stronger,
Leveraging the power of His strength!
God be your armour
In this age of Darkness
As reason alone is bound to fail.

For, human foes we fight not
But arcane principalities
In power, rulers of this dark world.
The air we breathe, the water we drink all stained with war
For, in every direction, we faceth 
Spirits that reign in the heavens as on earth

Let not ignorance ensnare you
That you take for granted the truths of the book.
Let not flesh limit you
That you ignore what's occult to your senses
Let not your awareness clog with materialism.

Nurture your higher-self
Pray in Spirit, 
With your subconscious mind
In all space and time,
So you might stay ever feeding on the essence of God
And thus be ever clad in armour
On these fringes of spiritual existence.

the divine art courtsey of masiani's classical genius

Seek the Mirror!

Beware of the Exorcist
And mostly, beware of the mirror!
The demon you see
Is the demon you are.

If you seek to be the world outside
If you seek to learn what's outside
Learn to look outside
Learn to look inside.

Them who seek to be
Must first master to see
And So, I look into the mirror,
And look into the world nearer-
Oh, now I know!
And that's what's really inside!

Yo Text Screams!

I hope you saw my response below?
Has your problem been solved!
Thank You!

Mastering The Flames

No, God's not something you play with
Without consequences that is.
I want to understand, unsure I can.

Imagine wanting to Master the Sun
One could definitely get burnt in the process
It happened to Parsons, It could happen to me
It could happen to You.
But, this is not a path for the faint of heart.

We are the kind walking at night where no man ought to
We are the kind whose blood turns black 
For lust of Truth
For the love of Absolute Power
For the Ultimate Exploration
For the lowering of The Veil 
To uncover Absolute Self Awareness
We are the Seekers of the Mysteries
We seek to awaken Divinity dormant inside.

Some get burnt in the process
But, there are those, who only sustain burns
On their certain path to Mastering The Flames.

Brethren, On We Seek,
As the True Will of God Is
Self Awareness.

The powerful art is courtesy of davijc
who's depicting a porweful entity, the kind one would... Omulu.


We are doing enuf, right?
What the fuck happened?
Central Africa!
Yeah right! Just behind mine home!
Zinkisi, did we sin before thee?

Oh, and we can't trust the wards anymore!
No, neither the men with white skin
Who knows the sower of the cursed bean?
I avoid friends and won't even call the sick
"Brother, forget our blood pact please!"
"Kiss not thy wife"
What have you done to us!

I watched a mother abandon her own skull,
For the sake of her surviving brood
Thanks to this fantastically cruel disease,
Turning against us our own compassion, care, and love!

What will happen?
I might die, hell I'll die!
6 billion people infected, 
Nearly as many as the world’s most parasitic swarm.

Stay at home
Watch TV, that's what you've been raised to do.
Don't shake hands
It's okay, you can be mean all you want
You have no gods to pray to
So, of your cents, probably throw in two
And wait for someone else to go fix that mess too!
Damn, I will this curse rain on your land too!

People die,
Even laughing kills,
But this? Thousands of thousands
People who, like us, eat, drink, sleep, and feel joy and fear,
Love and anguish.
Deaths come suddenly and unexpectedly,
Not just solitarily, but along with the extinction of 
Families and the decimation of whole communities!
They are human, and We want to remain human?
We must, care. And grieve - for all humanity.

Poem inspired by and partially based on the awesome essay by Stanford Professor of Law,  Hank Greely. 
Thanks Greely for casting light on this ghastly, but undercelebrated plague!

The most horrific and sick art is thanks to the genius mind of artist PriestofTerror 
who indeed knows the dark side of Ebola 
(piece apparently done with Pencil, acrylic and his own blood!)

Only Two!

Then there's life,
Where 3 things reign-
Sex, Spirituality and Power
And You, can only have two,
The other necessarily wanes.
Wisely pick your lane,
As a car can only occupy so much.

inspired by the awesome psytrance composition-
"Spiritual Connection" by Source Code and Illegal Substances (preview below)

Mass on the Road

Once every week
I put the eyes on the road
Ears on the bass kick
Feet on the pedal
And the mind where imagination does speak.
These are the divine moments of a bike mystic.

Mine Death...

Death awaits me
A song of 9 sirens,
Dark but sweet scented flowers,
The fears of men passing by my grave,
And memories of my agonies
Tormenting those that walk-by at night.

Death sings to me
A song that's thick like a butcher's floor
Veins pulsate with remorse
At the turbulence of oncoming descent
As the bowels of hades embrace my worn-out flesh.

Death has blessed me
No more do I concern myself with capitalism
Nor do I share what's a mere illusion
Death's given me a certainty worth a billion theorems
And not faith nor reason can elicit awareness of
A mystery so sublime, that all the pursuits of 
A billion souls on that rock I used to call home
Can only relate like a speck of existence on the Van Allen Belt.

Death's taught me
Oh, how insipid the pains of life be
In the shadow of death's sweet and everlasting embrace!
They ridicule, some celebrate and others dare not contemplate
But to every man and child, a headline awaits-
Twas just today, and twas still Murder by Death.

Please stay ever close,
So in mine waking fading, I might ever see past this veil.

well, life's too good to die now
but death's the most followed celebrity ever
and who am i not to like?

genius art concept by MindTuber


It's All
Even Futility

if i should ever have to teach my child just one lesson
this should be it.


aka the World, 
aka Terra, 
aka Gaia!

the Sun's blue-eyed third born,
the densest of 9 children
all her other siblings possibly zombified,
the only one still accommodating life,
and the most obese of the 4 possessive ones!

current home of the 'man',
a virile viral & villainous ape sub-specie
annihilating all her vigor and vivacity with unceasing voracity!

that under-celebrated, ever present wonder
we can merely talk of
though rarely walk under.

thanks to  oh-pear for the awesome art concept! Amazing expression...

Rule 65

In older times
Engineers had hands-on experience,
Technicians understood how the electronics worked
And what it was supposed to do,
And layout technicians knew too-
But today,
Only the computer knows for sure
And it's not talking.

this awesome little poem is actually quoted verbatim
 from the admirable NASA's list of 100 rules for its project managers (one edition here)
the aweome circuit is definitely courtsey of GhettoMole

In The Desert

I dream of that place
No distraction in sight, no face!
I dream of getting lost
To myself and to you, the world.
I dream of walking and thinking, talking and crying
I dream of roaming under stars,
Calling on GOD, being called by gods.
I dream of 9 days and 9 nights
Of looking where there's nothing to see
Of listening where it's silent than death
Of holding what merely slips away
Of never ending horizons!
I dream of walking barefoot
Of transcending matter and these pathetic ways
Of beholding vanity in its majesty
Of finally understanding who I AM
Of reuniting with who I AM
I dream of seeking TRUTH in some desert,
Some day!

the magnificent scene courtesy of andymumford

Language & The Age

The maids inside of my head won't cease to chatter
They talk about the way I panicked this morning
They talk about the rain not arriving yet
They talk about the shows on cable
They talk about the web
They talk not about me
They talk not about my people
They talk not about the historical debt
They talk not about the fading culture
They talk about an upgrade and the battery warning
Da maids nsyd o mine head wn't taste tru FREEdm
Until they start to take in the world via different words
Until a free tongue they foster and master.

Little, Wet Truths

It paces, does melt the heart
That the clock's been winding ever since
But those ripples of bliss
Still sweep through my spine
Every time I ponder the natural perfection of her art
On the night I dared to depart
From bondages of a love still at heart
And explore just how feelings can fall apart.

High BPM!

Life just feels divine,
When I'm jumping high
To a 145 BPM
At highly pulsating decibels!
With those uplifting lasers piercing my aura
And every neuron inside of me raving HARD!

Seriously speaking, am not sure who the original author of the art was, but what that was,
it just is for me one true depiction of a neuron in a raver's brain.

The Lilith Curse

And so, I summoned the gods for a Lilith moment
Twas that cold night - with flesh on mine arm
Erect like frozen nails in a lonely and a strange land.
 Indeed and in deed
The deities honored my need
A placid hand morphing into bare bone
As I contemplated the truth of what my eyes could read
Oh, and I dared not bargain
With one who could make a heart bleed.
 I led my soul down the hall,
Occasionally scourged by the spectre of deliberate impotence!
My orbs guarded the gates,
As all my elixir stealthily vaporized behinds those walls.
 I can swear - an honest thief
Never looks back at you
In the middle of such a heist - 
I was empty and tired. 
 A fortune paid, a verdict read
What really boils in the heart of a villain?
Remorse? Honor?
Well, looking into her eyes, I definitely saw both...
 The sun possibly turns black
Love possibly goes dark
But corrupting an angel's love brings bad luck
And a Lilith kissed, brings the curse 
Of lust that can't last. 

Mythical Cake

Right! You can definitely see it steam,
Hell no! You can even smell it if you like
Oh my! I used to taste one every Sunday
But if it's born a mythical cake? It definitely stays one.

We bake them in the head, we serve them
To those we'd love to behead.
"No, child don't believe that!"
Whatever happened to Saint Machiavelli?
"No, only money rules child"
It's a myth!

It's a pragmatic thing child
Myth has potency and utility
It's a myth!

Cakes with nine inch nails in them,
Cakes with bleeding rocks on them,
Cakes delivered by white bearded men on sleighs,
Cakes baked in cyclotrons with the unforgiving heat of
A Million PHDs
It's all a myth.

But it works!
Miracles happen child-
And it's all a myth!

Here's the ultimate myth child,
It doesn't matter which hill the stone rolls down;
If you can bake a cake so real it has taste to the ashy
Buds of reason, you'll have it as heavy as ballast in your hands, 

And only the calcified vaults of law would ever know how 
Many you'll bleed at your altar.

Thanks to En-GeL for the perfect art concept and message!


The music that lifts my soul
Melts the chains of reason about me
And delivers me, wet with desire
At the solid gates of the Self.

The Afterlife

If this
The afterlife,
I'd commit suicide indefinitely.


Numbers are like words
Sterile, void and cold
Until you bring 1 to bed.

Blindness fades with the difference, as
An inference gets moulded out of ours gray manifolds thus;
An illusion condenses and is felt and wet
Like the sweat dripping down my face,
Yet in the moment we assign a figure to it, we drop the egg
Though we may feed eternally on the reference.

If it's Grossly FAT, it possibly embraces beauty, right?
Oh, and it possibly is palpable too...
"Serve me FAT, intellects and peas for starters."
"I'll definitely need a coffee and a million sugars to make it real."

Written across the doors of The New Temple:
The More You Can See
The Closer To GOD You SHALL Be
Are The Way, The Truth and The Life!

You see, the difference is this-
For a finite mind, the ability to say something about 
The Infinite, makes all the difference.
All is Number, said the lean Ionian
And here's an Irish razor to cut it nicely and righteously...

To Know And Not Know, 
is The Divine Way To Know
call me back when you know...

The number of the sand, and the measures of the sea
Thus replied the bayesian high priest, is a probability!
Measure is not wanting to the ocean, nor number to the sand,
And thus, shall we probably surpass the wisdom of the ancients?

awesome art concept by bladesilver

The Pitch

Mesmer talked, and affected;
He enters a room, whether alone with a man or
amidst a mob,
Mesmer chanted and acted in a certain way without
Talking less to the ear, such a tongue that could dazzle anyone's spleenora!

"You are here to sell water to the well?"
Because, the well that lives never has a thirst quenched,
And thus, I get into a state of flow again.

selling is a divine art... 
just like this divine owl by pnkfdarts

WwwHeN HN is down!

What the HeN!
C-r C-r S-C-r-eam WTF!
Thought 2012 was done! Unbelievable.

    Do you hear yourself? See, that's
What it amounts to - for the pathetic spider
In search of a web it's not helping spin.

Despite our decaying memory, we've cached
options though;
And we can get all emotional and wreck a tantrum with
And thus, we forget Saint Graham
As we bask in the alternate glories of our time!

awesome art-concept by MateuszKawka


It's not just the code causing much gnashing of teeth,
Friendships do get traded, nature corrupted
And recurring headaches every dinner, and a good
WTFs served over handshakes.

I been walkin man,
It's the hustle they say-
Get rich or die tryin?
Man, fuck that 50 crap!
Tradin thoughtforms ain't no easy trip.

Lawyers, investors, co-founders
They share the same womb anyways-
Their hearts beat to the rhythm of green paper,
And your gray matter better be palatable!

Users, scribes, haters and passersby,
Basically you eat humans for a living too
But on a different savannah though-
The startup turns you into a mean Capital C Canibal.

I'm gonna get this mural out of my skull this one night
I'm gonna move fast and stealthily across this entire land
Am gonna breath all my hunger into this beast
And I'll sit back and watch as an egregore roams the web
Devouring all my foes, and washing down all my woes
It's that time again-
Time to start up once more,
If it's no more a dream, it's morphed into a lucid form
Time to stand up, keyboard in hand, and go own life's cockpit.

awesome art concept by OlgaKalinovskaya


It's hard to admit the potency of magick
Very Often

Until a pure miracle drops dead at ones doorstep.

Today, I got what I should admit was a plain miracle, 
and the words of a sage echoed in my mind - "acknowledge the power of magick, when it works for you".

the miracle of art by aimeelikestotakepics

In a Mirror

There's this thing about words
No, not just any words but

In a flash, like paying with cash
The form, shock and walk of life
Are portrayed with precision like incriminating geometry
And if err the style be, still emotion's passed with utmost symettry
To he who chooses to dwell in the shadows of a poetry.

Video seldom says it all, get me a photo till fall
Like a painter's caressing of the canvas-
Which speaks with subtleness of the seductiveness of his nude,
Poetry says in a way
What the story leaves out of the way.

--------- --------- ---------
nu-raphael study by Andantonius

6 hours to God

18:11, a bird flies gracefully before me

As Victoria sings a turbulent water song,
Crushing off those stale worries from earlier today.

There's a cool air blowing all about me
And I can't blame myself for wanting to feel 
Every second, every last hour of my 27th year alive.

The words creep from my mind cautiously-
I consider myself in that boat closer to the horizon
Whose pilgrimage across the vast depths
Begs my celebration, but the lone fisher upon it
Dares not accommodate thoughts of rapture, 
Because a journey halfway, is a best friend to to the sadist biography.

Growing pains and regrets of wisdom gains abound-
The many excuses I can no longer post, or the nasty wishes I can't discuss,
Replaced by suppressed desires of youthful fires unspent
And a soul grown in age, but still young at heart.

The sun should not set on a dream though;
I've lived a full and undefiled vanity thus far.
And if I could attempt to count the drops of happiness,
That have kept my appetite for life wet thus far,
The lake before me might be a contending start, but probably
not sufficient in the matter of the many naughts required.


Knowledge Reigns Supreme
Over Nearly Everyone

Cosmic Remedy!

I've not heard the punchline yet
So I move forward, in circles nevertheless
Persisting in my conviction of a purpose
Which might slip past our unfeeling deity,
Who it's said is ever at rest!


They don't blaspheme-
Seeking to effect without cause?
Lol No! The maggot, feasting on decay, needs will and energy-

It's the Great Design.

The otherwise distant, is made nigh
The uncertain is elaborately cloaked
And an illusion projected, does manifest!

It's that inner, interminable yet bounded energy
Pouring forth into lodes exposed by treading upon that unbeaten road,
By will trained and shaped as by the dead B.F Skinner
That moulds mere potential, into the acts of gods.
Behold! There's this energy, which only ritual
Knows how to bring forth.

I can't help but acknowledge the impact ritual can have [on me], sometimes, it's a disconcerting state of uncertainty, 
other times, the answer is too heavy to bear!

amazing concept art by the amazing Shairin

Upon a Rock

I walked behind them, 

     Wanting to
            Tap into
                A bit of what wisdom they carried with them.

Strangers in my motherland,
Looking at
     Every Rock,
     Every exposed Earth!
Well, through their strange metallic EyEs, razor
Sharp precision exuding from behind them.

Then I was either illumined or totally dumbed when
One of the younger ones, trained the attention of his peers upon

One particular
Of an elaborately weathered rock u
On a hill, directly before us.

In a voice CloakeD in LEAD-heavy certainty, he spoke thus:
     The Africans,

     Wanted information
     To remain free!
I never slept again.

seers to come

They, diviners of tomorrow
They who shall oversee the singularities
  Having cataloged every cat, alive 
  With galeanthropic algorithms and bald-headed
  Doctors playing ailuromancy in hexadecimal
They who shall live in the spiritual realm-
Of abstract thought and statistical parapraxis
  At once seeing the big picture, while the plebs
  Dwell on particulars and screaming infographics
  Them, engineers of the new alchemy.
Who shall doctor elixirs of life, make miracles of nature, 
Own laws, transcribing will into encoded sigils-
  Great Works manifested via post-silicon gates.

Numbers have been here before, and they shall be with us till our fall.
You make the statistic, or become a part of someone else's.

Amazing conceptual art by lien.